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[图标/字体] Restaurants

简单的餐厅网站与一些简单的清洁代码。该HTML代码创建了一个包含导航、订单详细信息、统计信息、特色菜、菜单、推荐信和联系人部分的餐厅网页。它使用响应式设计、Bootstrap、Font Awesome和JavaScript来创建粘滞条、计数器动画和平滑导航。
Simple restaurant website made with some easy clean codes.This HTML code creates a restaurant webpage with navigation, order details, statistics, specialties, menu, testimonials, and contact sections. It uses responsive design, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, and JavaScript for a sticky bar, counter animation, and smooth navigation. (2024-02-02, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] xelenic_core

Xelenicis a Sri Lankan startup mindset providing next level IT solution and business consulting for clients to become an icon in the local and global IT and business world. With our expertise and out of the box thinking mind in IT and business consulting we are able to give a life for your business idea. (2022-12-12, HTML, 24187KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] ZoomlaFont

With the focus on Chinese font research and development, the leading font research and development team, and the focus on Chinese basic data element research and civilization cornerstone pioneers, we are trying to create a more open and free world of character creation and use, and we are the first open source font enterprise in the Chinese industry~ (2022-05-16, HTML, 300261KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] rplibs

Refs.cn 原型设计元件库,基于Axure RP 10 9 8,支持 Android、Apple、Windows、微信,移动、桌面平台的应用和网站原型设计。六年历程 2.8k+ star,感谢大家使用。
Refs.cn prototype design component library, based on Axure RP 10 9 8, supports the application and website prototype design of Android, Apple, Windows, WeChat, mobile and desktop platforms. Six year history 2.8k+star, thank you for using. (2022-05-29, HTML, 50534KB, 下载0次)
