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[Windows编程] Million A Year

Guimei mall registration and review (2019-06-24, HTML, 18004KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] dmcmsmb_sjty_v3.1

比较通用企业绿色智能手机APP应用模板:可以左右滑动,充分演示了在单页中AJAX分页加载更多, 以及大米CMS如何API数据调用、大米标签的使用。
Comparison of common enterprise green smart phone APP application template: You can slide around, fully demonstrated in a single page in the AJAX page load more, and how the rice CMS API data calls, the use of rice labels. (2016-12-05, HTML, 826KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] wordpress-zh_cn

WordPress v2.3.1 简体中文语言包第一版(wpcn)
WordPress v2.3.1 Simplified Chinese language pack first edition (wpcn) (2016-07-10, HTML, 122KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] nianhuichoujiang

Annual enterprises digit lottery code, press the keyboard spacebar or the letter A can be extracted to read the help press F1, Hide press ESC. (2016-06-26, HTML, 1223KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] toumingdaohang

Corporate Website translucent drop-down navigation menu based on jQuery to achieve secondary drop-down navigation menus, a large graphic navigation menus, drop-down menus two translucent effect, Home, Ming King products, information center, download center, corporate profiles, contact us Engineering technology Center menu columns. (2016-06-05, HTML, 298KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] KoalaUI_1.0.0

Koala UI是一套开源UI框架,针对企业信息化管理软件的UI前端解决方案。提供一些常用组件的样式和脚本,目的在于提高前端开发人员的工作效率和更好的用户扩展体验。演示示例有很多,本站演示网址只提供了其中之一。
Koala UI UI is an open source framework, UI front-end solutions for enterprise information management software. Provide some common components of styles and scripts, aimed at improving the work efficiency and better front-end developers to extend user experience. There are many demo, demo site URL provided only one of them. (2016-06-02, HTML, 2166KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 1353514232753_zcool.com.cn

Very good design material, we can appreciate and learn, worthy of serious study. (2013-02-23, HTML, 429KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] fenquruanj

分区软件 支持给信分区的软件 很重要
Partition software support letter to the partition of the software is very important (2012-04-07, HTML, 1KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] u9help

UF u9 help document, you can learn without u9 erp theory. However, with u9 function description does not match, which reads some functions, u9 no (2010-06-30, HTML, 24898KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] Windows

如何在企业环境中使用 Windows 部署服务
How to use Windows in an enterprise environment to deploy services (2010-05-04, HTML, 921KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] div-css-login

说明:程序代码主要参考网上一个类似功能的Demo.出发点在于学习div+css布局技巧,学习窗口对象拖动的实现原理. 3.功能说明: ^.^! 基本类似于javaeye登入窗口的功能,支持窗口的拖动,窗口的关闭 登入表单的最小化,最大化 在IE浏览器中有滤镜功能 没有对div做圆角处理,看起有点楞楞的. 4.偶在IE6.0和Mozilla Firefox2.0.0.1_cn浏览器中跑过,可以正常使用.
Description: The program code similar to the main reference line features a Demo. The starting point is to learn div+ css layout techniques, learning the realization of principles of dragging the window object. 3. Function Description: ^. ^! Basically similar to the javaeye login window function, support a window dragging, the window closed login form to minimize, maximize in IE browser, there are filter functions div do not deal with rounded corners, looks a bit Leng Leng' s. 4. Even in the IE6.0 and Mozilla Firefox2.0.0.1_cn ran browsers can be used normally. (2009-12-13, HTML, 13KB, 下载17次)


[Windows编程] slk

Shu Li Kang health food company' s source code, full disclosure (2009-09-08, HTML, 1453KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] QQCheck

QQ靓号选号,一个原创js小品 公司当时要弄一个客服qq,于是做了一个小网页,使用xmlhttp获取qq号码列表;并且还有娱乐功能!可以过滤凶号,右键点击号码可以测算凶吉…… 不提倡封建迷信,不提倡跨省追捕!!!
No.选号Liang QQ, a small-scale companies at the time of original js to get a customer service qq, then do a small web page, use xmlhttp to obtain a list of numbers qq and there is entertainment! Can filter No. fierce, right-click the number can be measured凶吉... ... not to promote feudalism and superstition, not to promote inter-provincial hunt! ! ! (2009-05-16, HTML, 3KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] mrtmanual

this manual for pc3000 mrtool! special repair harddisk for maxtor!but i need software pc3000 mrtool!you won look site : http://space.doit.com.cn/viewthread-45664.html
this manual for pc3000 mrtool! special repair harddisk for maxtor!but i need software pc3000 mrtool!you won look site : http://space.doit.com.cn/viewthread-45664.html (2009-05-01, HTML, 426KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] ModernBusinessNegotiation

Interaction between people to improve their relationship, consultation questions, it is necessary to negotiate. Enterprises sell their products, purchase materials, trade union mobilization efforts, the Government s diplomatic ties, the peace agreement between the country and even family disputes and so on, could become a bargaining content. the negotiation process, open to question elements of the negotiations prior to revolve around the schedule drawn up by the progress of negotiations. How to put the agenda of negotiations with the subject of negotiations, the negotiations closely combine the elements. (2009-03-04, HTML, 16KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] bindows_101

Bindows 1.01 完全版 Bindows 框架提供给你: 基于类的面向对象 API; 一个完整的窗口系统,带有一组广泛支持的窗体小部件,包括菜单、表单、表格、滑块、量表以及更多; 开发零接触 SOA 客户端应用程序的最好的工具包; 内置 XML,SOAP 和 XML-RPC 支持; 从单用户到企业级的支持。 将现代 PC 桌面程序般的界面与基于 Internet 的构架相结合,使得通过 Internet 浏览器访问到的程序拥有桌面软件一样的功能。
Bindows 1.01 full version Bindows framework for you : Class-based object-oriented API; a complete window system with a broad support group Form small parts, include the menu, forms, tables, slider, scale and more; Development of zero contact with the client SOA application of the best tool kit; built-in XML, SOAP and XML-RPC; from the single user to enterprise-level support. Modern desktop PC-like interface procedures with the Internet-based architecture combined made through the Internet browser to visit the procedures for desktop software have the same capabilities. (2007-02-01, HTML, 762KB, 下载11次)
