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[其他] CSU8RP1185-Datasheet-V0.6-cn

CSR8RP1185C 汇编 用于邦定芯片 低功耗,低成本 体重秤
Csr8rp1185c assembly (2021-01-21, Asm, 703KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Promer

AY90S2313 AVR Promer
AY90S2313 AVR Promer (2019-07-23, Asm, 1984KB, 下载1次)


[其他] SD8016应用手册 v0.3

SD8016 datasheet_CN.V03 应用手册, 适用于晶华微24位ADC测量单片机。
SD8016 datasheet_CN for the 24 bit ADC microcontroller measuring micro Regent (2017-11-25, Asm, 1106KB, 下载1次)


[其他] ATmega64_cn

ATMega64 Atmel 8bit AVR MCU
ATMega64 Atmel 8bit AVR MCU (2010-03-24, Asm, 2301KB, 下载2次)


[其他] erpp

功能很强的中小企业ERP管理系统,适合中小型企业、生产商等进行生产、物资库存的管理。主要功能包括材料的出入库、原料消耗、存货查询、仓库调拨、库存盘点、库存帐表、货品仓位表、库存明细帐、仓库流水帐、仓库业务及企业生产经营报表等。   作者注:你可以使用本程序,但不可修改再发布或者更改版权,作者保留一切权利。 -Features a strong small and medium-sized ERP management system, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises, manufacturers and other production, material inventory management. The main features include storage of materials, raw material consumption, inventory inquiries, storage allocation, inventory, inventory account table position table goods, stock ledger, itemized account in next warehouse, warehouse operations and corporate statements, such as production and operation. Author Note: You can use this procedure, but can not be re-issued to amend or change the copyright, the authors retain all rights.
-Features a strong small and medium-sized ERP management system, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises, manufacturers and other production, material inventory management. The main features include storage of materials, raw material consumption, inventory inquiries, storage allocation, inventory, inventory account table position table goods, stock ledger, itemized account in next warehouse, warehouse operations and corporate statements, such as production and operation. Author Note: You can use this procedure, but can not be re-issued to amend or change the copyright, the authors retain all rights. (2009-08-12, Asm, 3399KB, 下载44次)


[其他] MJL-CN

PIC control with lcd-12232F Chinese liquid crystal display LCD (2008-08-20, Asm, 6KB, 下载2次)
