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[其他游戏] neo_block

软件版本: V0.4 发布日期: 23:43 2005-10-9 运行环境: MS-DOS|Windows 9x/ME|Windows XP 软件简介: 这是用NEO V1.1.45写的打砖块游戏。主架构从网友的作品中移植而来,NEO被用来增强性能和美化界面。由于使用的是DOS接口,所以可能在部分AGP 8X的显卡下会出现黑屏。 规则说明: 和普通的打砖块游戏差不多,鼠标操作。一共有5关,速度越来越快,要打爆是还是很难的。 联系我们: ckerhome@yahoo.com.cn
Software Version : V0.4 release date : 23:43 2005-10-9 runtime environment : MS-DOS | Windows Editions | Windows XP Introduction : This is used to write the NEO V1.1.45 game arcade. Netizens from the main framework of the works are transplanted, NEO be used to enhance performance and landscaping interface. As the use of DOS interface, it may in some AGP 8X graphics will emerge under a black screen. Rules : general and the almost arcade games, mouse operation. A total of five customs, increasingly faster, or to be bombarded very difficult. Contact : ckerhome@yahoo.com.cn (2006-03-21, Borland C++, 62KB, 下载192次)
