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[中间件编程] message_service

企业级软件有助于从不同来源下载ISO 20022消息。此窗口或控制台服务简化了与不同源(如IBM MQ、Kafka、RabbitMQ和Azure Queue)的并行连接,并帮助发布或订阅ISO 20022消息。
The enterprise level software helpful to download ISO 20022 messages from different sources. This window or console service make ease parallel connections to different source like IBM MQ, Kafka, RabbitMQ and Azure Queue and help to publish or subscribe ISO 20022 messages. (2024-04-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] FUNFLEX

FUN FLEX是一个专门销售数字娱乐产品的电子商务项目。该项目由Andreaálvarez、Dayron Restrepo、Mateo Echeverri和Andres Villada负责。为此,将使用Java和javascript编程语言,后端使用Spring boot,前端使用React.js。MySql Workbench作为DBMS。
FUN FLEX is an E-Commerce project specialized in the sale of digital entertainment products. The project is in charge of Andrea álvarez, Dayron Restrepo, Mateo Echeverri and Andrés Villada. For this, the Java and javascript programming languages will be used, Spring boot for the Backend and React.js for the Frontend. And MySql Workbench as DBMS. (2024-03-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] FunFlix

FunFlis is a Entertainment website made using Html, Css, Js for frontend and Asp.net and C# for backend with MsSql for databse. (2024-03-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] shortlink

SaaS 短链接系统,为企业和个人用户提供了一个高效、安全和可靠的短链接管理平台。核心技术:SpringBoot + SpringCloudAlibaba + RocketMQ + ShardingSphere + Redis + MySQL + Sentinel
SaaS short link system provides an efficient, secure and reliable short link management platform for enterprises and individual users. Core technology: SpringBoot+SpringCloudAlibaba+RocketMQ+SharedingSphere+Redis+MySQL+Sentinel (2024-01-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] csc8104-assignment

Practical material for the Enterprise Middleware module CSC8104, (2023-10-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] kafka-doc-cn-2

卡夫卡文档cn 2.0,,
kafka doc cn 2.0,, (2023-10-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] telegram-research

My research on Telegram instant messaging service, (2020-11-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] easyenvironment

基于CentOS7搭建企业级开发环境Redis、MySQL、MyCat、Spring Cloud Netflix、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Dubbo、Consul、Zookeeper、Docker、ElasticSe...
Building an enterprise development environment based on CentOS7 Redis, MySQL, MyCat, Spring Cloud Netflix, Spring Cloud Alibaba, Dubbo, Consul, Zookeeper, Docker, ElasticSe (2021-03-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] 三板斧

STICKLINE(XYSHSL>6.1 AND CYS13>5 ,2 ,0 ,2,0 ),COLORGREEN; STICKLINE(XYSHSL>3.8 AND CYS13>5 ,1.5 ,0 ,2 ,0 ),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(XYSHSL>2.1 AND CYS13>5 ,1 ,0 ,2,0 ),COLORCYAN; STICKLINE(XYSHSL>1.8 AND CYS13>5 ,0.5 ,0 ,2,0 ),COLORBLUE; XYS1:EMA(XYS0,1); XYS2:EMA(XYS0,2); (2018-03-13, Others, 10KB, 下载1次)


[中间件编程] CORBA

corba企业解决方案,希望对大家有用! corba企业解决方案,希望对大家有用!
CORBA enterprise solutions, in the hope that useful to everybody! CORBA enterprise solutions, in the hope that useful to everybody! (2008-08-05, Others, 4932KB, 下载74次)
