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[Oracle数据库] linux-uek

Oracle Linux UEK:坚不可摧的企业内核
Oracle Linux UEK: Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (2023-05-19, Others, 3KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] big-companies-interview-questions

A curated list of previous asked Interview Question at Big Companies and Startups (2022-08-18, Others, 253KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] Oracle

一、Oracle历史:甲骨文,1977年开始研发 相关版本: 1996年:Oracle 7 1997年:Oracle 8 1999年:Oracle 8i 2001年:Oracle 9i 2003年:Oracle 10g(标准版、企业版、个人版) 2007年:Oracle 11g 主要人物:Larry Ellison(埃里森),Bob Miner,Ed Oates
One, the history of the Oracle: Oracle, 1977 R & D version: 1996: Oracle 7 in 1997: Oracle 8 in 1999: Oracle 8i in 2001: Oracle 9i in 2003: Oracle 10g (Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Personal Edition) 2007 : Oracle 11g main characters: Larry Ellison, Ellison, Bob Miner, Ed Oates, (2012-06-09, Others, 31KB, 下载6次)


[Oracle数据库] Oracle

Preliminary understanding to help Oracle, is the future basis for enterprise-level database design, content (2011-04-10, Others, 8454KB, 下载8次)


[Oracle数据库] oracle

甲骨文公司服务器技术执行副总裁Chuck Oracle应用产品包括财务、供应链、制造、项目管理、人力资源和市场与销售等150多个模块,荣获多项世界大奖,现已被全球近7600多家企业所采用。
Oracle' s executive vice president of Server Technologies Chuck Oracle Applications products, including finance, supply chain, manufacturing, project management, human resources and marketing and sales in more than 150 modules, won several awards world, has been more than 7,600 enterprises worldwide in recent used. (2011-03-03, Others, 648KB, 下载8次)


[Oracle数据库] OracleBI

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) 应用程序是全面、预构建的BI为企业中的每个人解决方案,—下至一线员工,上至高级管理层—基于角色智能功能,可帮助改善决策、行动和业务流程。
Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) application is a comprehensive, pre-built BI to everyone in the enterprise solutions- down to the frontline staff, from senior management- role-based intelligent features to help improve decision-making, operations and business processes . (2010-06-03, Others, 834KB, 下载2次)
