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[行业发展研究] 数据流量增长

运用用户行为分析,用数据去驱动企业增长。 (2022-07-14, Others, 23556KB, 下载0次)


[行业发展研究] case-of-Marketing-management

Marketing management is to create, build and maintain mutually beneficial exchange relationship between the target market, in order to achieve business goals, design, planning, execution and control. The essence of marketing management is demand management. (2013-03-16, Others, 2194KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] White-paper

本文介绍云计算 - 下一代因特网的计算平台。文中对“云”进行了定义,阐释了云计算的业务优势,并概述了“云”体系结构及其主要组件。读者将从中了解企业如何通过云计算来培育创新并降低 IT 成本。文中还介绍了 IBM 对云计算的实施。
This article describes cloud computing- the next generation of Internet computing platform. The cloud is defined to explain the business benefits of cloud computing, and an overview of the "cloud" architecture and its main components. Readers will discover how cloud computing to foster innovation and reduce IT costs. The paper also describes the implementation of IBM cloud computing. (2013-03-15, Others, 895KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] our_mobile_planet_china_zh_CN

The mobile phone market, mainly to learn how to use smart phones in everyday life, how people use smartphones to multitask, smartphone shopping activities. (2012-10-17, Others, 6517KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Self-replicating-automata-theory

冯纽曼《自复制自动机理论》(5 篇讲座的讲稿),由集智俱乐部东方和尚翻译,jake注释。这五篇文章不仅仅预测了复杂性科学未来100年的发展方向(事实上很多领域 已经验证了冯纽曼的预言),而且还指出了生命逻辑最核心的奥秘:热力学、信息论与自指 之间的深刻联系。 此书原版的下载:http://www.swarmagents.cn/thesis/detail.asp?id=303
von Neumann "self-replicating automata theory" (five articles of the lecture notes), the wisdom of the east with the club monk translation, jake comments. The five article not only forecast the complexity science the development direction of the future 100 (in fact many fields Have verified the prophecies of the von neumann), and also points out the mystery of life the most core logic: thermodynamics, information theory and the means Profound connection between. This book of original download: http://www.swarmagents.cn/thesis/detail.asp? Id = 303 (2011-12-29, Others, 1896KB, 下载9次)


[行业发展研究] googles-theory

谷歌的发展史 现在情况 以及将来的发展趋势 我们从中得到的成功企业发展的要素
翻译Google now and in the future the history of the development trend We get success enterprise development elements (2011-06-06, Others, 18KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] 3060421002

因特网的迅猛发展给企业运作带来了极大的方便,但同时因特网也面临着空前的威胁。因此,如何使用有效可行的方法使企业网络威胁降到最小,引起了越来越多企业的关注。而防火墙在企业网络安全中扮演了一个举足轻重的角色,成为企业网络安全的保护者之一。 这里所研究的内容就是中小型企业防火墙设计。我们通过软件防火墙和硬件防火墙两个方面来研究该课题。并针对企业网络所受威胁,进行企业防火墙的方案设计。 关键词:网络安全,中小型企业,防火墙
The rapid development of the Internet brought great convenience to business Operations, but at the same time, the Internet is also faced with an unprecedented threat. Therefore, how to use effective and feasible method to minimize the threat to corporate networks is causing more and more company’s attention. The firewall in the enterprise network security plays a pivotal role as the protector of enterprise network security. The content of this study is the design of small and medium enterprise firewall. We study enterprise firewall through software firewall and hardware firewall. Also we design and conduct of the corporate firewall according to the threats against corporate networks. Keywords:Network Security, small and medium enterprise ,firewall (2011-05-28, Others, 1715KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] DDoS

DDoS defense of the status of security and the current enterprise-level DDoS can choose related products, DDoS attacks on the current analysis to quantify (2011-02-23, Others, 1959KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] businessinteligence

business inteligence (2010-10-22, Others, 6KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] ebook

With the rapid development of information technology in the enterprise agencies have set up their own complex and large IT systems, enterprise systems integration for the demand continued to firm up. This book from the enterprise data integration, migration, synchronization, quality of several aspects about how to complete enterprise data integration, and with examples. (2008-11-27, Others, 1126KB, 下载48次)


[行业发展研究] zhimingqiye

For future reference when choosing jobs, which will be the inauguration of the well-known enterprises to provide a good opportunity, and development prospects (2008-06-25, Others, 5KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] 63465

2006 年的春天给中国疲软多年的缝制设备市场带来春风和雨露,短短的两个月里,电脑平车 (自动剪线平缝机和三自动平缝机)骤然取代以往销量最大的普通平车成为市场主角。由于我国 的电脑平车的生产企业不多,加之电控系统等零部件货源短缺,因此市场供需矛盾突出,一些地 方出现了断货的情况。业内人士预测,国产平缝机已经步入电脑平车时代。 (2008-04-12, Others, 29KB, 下载7次)


[行业发展研究] rockengi

清华大学李广信:岩土工程的哲学思考 清华大学李广信:岩土工程的哲学思考
Qinghua University Geology School : Geotechnical Engineering Geology School of Qinghua University Philosophical Thinking : geotechnical engineering Philosophical Thinking (2006-12-01, Others, 1490KB, 下载8次)


[行业发展研究] chuangsai

我们参加创业设计大赛入围省挑战杯的作品 完整的程序我这里有 可以和我联系 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/14276831
Design Competition Provincial Challenge Cup shortlisted entries integrity of the procedures I have here and I can link ht tp :// blog.sina.com.cn/u/14276831 (2006-08-15, Others, 3037KB, 下载31次)
