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[物理/力学计算] 2939

Second hand book trading system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (with thesis) (graduation design), second hand book trading system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (with thesis), users, administrator roles, etc. (see the demo video for details). With the rapid development of Internet shopping, general enterprises have to create their own management systems. This paper introduces the whole process of the development of student second-hand book trading platform. By analyzing the demand of enterprises for student second-hand book trading platform, a scheme of computer management student second-hand book trading platform is created. This article introduces the system analysis part of the student second-hand book trading platform, including feasibility analysis, etc (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] 2937

The operation system of training institutions based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (with thesis attached) (graduation design), the operation system of training institutions based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (with thesis attached), users, administrator roles, etc. (see the demonstration video provided for details). With the rapid development of Internet shopping, general enterprises have to create their own management systems. This paper introduces the whole development process of the training organization operation system. By analyzing the needs of enterprises for the operation system of training institutions, a computer management scheme for the operation system of training institutions is created. The article introduces the system analysis part of the training organization operation system, including feasibility analysis, etc., and the system design part mainly introduces (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] 2931

Car rental system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (with thesis) (graduation design), car rental system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (with thesis), users, administrator roles, etc. (see the demo video for details). With the rapid development of Internet shopping, general enterprises have to create their own management systems. This paper introduces the whole development process of the business management subsystem of the car rental system. By analyzing the requirements of enterprises for the business management subsystem of the car rental system, a scheme of computer management for the business management subsystem of the car rental system is created. This article introduces the system analysis part of the business management subsystem of the car rental system, (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] cloud-native-computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computing resources, as services over the internet. It eliminates the need for individuals and businesses to self-manage physical resources themselves, and only pay for what they use. (2024-04-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] battery_CN_HPC

用于在COMSOL Multiphysics上设置任意电极几何形状的锂离子电池操作(充放电)模拟的代码。
Code for setting up Li-Ion battery operation (charge discharge) simulations on COMSOL Multiphysics for arbitrary electrode geometries. (2024-03-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] multi-physics.github

web for www.multi-physics.cn (2024-03-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Quantum-Odyssey

"Quantum Odyssey is an exhilarating game delving into quantum physics. Solve challenging puzzles, navigate entangled particles, and explore superposition mazes. An engaging blend of education and entertainment awaits your journey." (2023-12-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] RoboticsGalleryVGEC

Uploaded all the material and work done by my team during the Internship at Robotics Gallery, Gujarat Council of Science City., (2023-08-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] Mechanics

ZJUNlict RoboCup小型联赛机械设计
ZJUNlict Mechanical Design for the RoboCup Small Size League , (2019-06-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] matterjs_docs_zh_cn

用 JavaScript 编写的 2D 物理引擎。它是一个计算机程序,使用质量、速度、摩擦力和空气阻力等变量,模拟了一个近似真实的物理系统,为刚性物体赋予真实的物理效果,比如重力、旋转和碰撞等效果,让物体的行为表现的更加趋向真实。
A 2D physics engine written in JavaScript. It is a computer program that uses variables such as mass, speed, friction and air resistance to simulate an approximately real physical system, giving real physical effects to rigid objects, such as gravity, rotation and collision, and making the behavior of objects more realistic. (2020-10-14, Others, 73KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] -kasdiling

Mari kita buat sejarah dunia bersama[@dr](https:github.com dr)Nicholas bahwa先驱将成为一位杰出的企业家
Mari kita buat sejarah dunia bersama [@dr](https: github.com dr) Nicholas bahwa pioneer akan bisa membuat kesejahteraan bagi umat (2022-08-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
