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按分类查找All 区块链开发(8) 
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[区块链开发] steem-whitepaper-cn

Steem, 一个激励的、基于区块链的公共内容平台。
Steem, an incentive and blockchain based public content platform. (2023-11-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] raft-algo-paper-cn

Chinese translation for paper: In search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version). (2018-02-13, Others, 536KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] pantheon

万神殿,一个基于Java的企业级Apache 2.0授权以太坊客户端
pantheon,An enterprise-grade Java-based, Apache 2.0 licensed Ethereum client (2019-09-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] ArchLinuxTutorial

ArchLinuxTutorial, Arch Linux安装使用教程 每日实时更新! | 包含ArchLinux从安装到日常使用、娱乐、编程、媒体制作的各个方面,让Arch成为你的常用系统吧! | 提供在线网页文档
ArchLinux Tutorial, Arch Linux installation and usage tutorial updated in real-time daily| Including various aspects of ArchLinux from installation to daily use, entertainment, programming, and media production, make ArchLinux your favorite system| Provide online webpage documents (2023-04-20, Others, 14552KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] BitcoinBook_Cn

BitcoinBook_Cn,《区块链 技术驱动金融》学习笔记
BitcoinBook_ Cn, Study Notes on Blockchain Technology Driving Finance (2018-07-30, Others, 2718KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] blockchain-tutorial-cn

blockchain-tutorial-cn, 深入浅出区块链中文教程
Blockchain tutorial in Chinese (2018-05-01, Others, 4718KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] everchain

Everchain is a blockchain underlying technology platform independently developed by Chain Square Technology Co., Ltd. Chain Square is a financial technology company that integrates world-class blockchain technology to create a supply chain finance blockchain platform. The company gathers the most influential blockchain geeks and supply chain finance experts, collaborating with financial institutions, major brand enterprises, and brand enterprises to supply (2018-05-25, Others, 1KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] who-is-hiring

who-is-hiring,这个仓库是由 Rebase 社区创建的,为区块链行业以及其他各行各业的企业和团队提供招聘信息披露机会,所有招聘信息都将在 Rebase 社区的所有媒体上进行发表。这都是免费的!
Who is hiring, this warehouse was created by the Rebase community to provide recruitment information disclosure opportunities for enterprises and teams in the blockchain industry and other industries. All recruitment information will be published on all media outlets in the Rebase community. This is all free! (2023-04-26, Others, 57KB, 下载0次)
