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[Email客户端] JmailBot

The JmailBot is your smart assistant for managing professional correspondence. It can write cover letters, change meeting times, draft new emails, modify existing ones, and retrieve company information using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Simplify your email tasks with this efficient and intuitive tool. (2024-05-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] nding-Out-Cover-Letter-Resume-Cold-Email-and-More

AI Assistant Job Flow Automator:自动发送求职信、简历、冷电子邮件等
AI Assistant Job Flow Automator: Automate Sending Out Cover Letter, Resume, Cold Email, and More (2024-01-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] affiliatemoon

Moon Das通过帮助个人和企业获得更多客户,利用在线营销来帮助他们扩大收入...
Moon Das helps individuals and businesses scale their revenue using online marketing by helping them get more clients/customers. He is a Public Speaker, affiliate marketer, and Email Marketer Entrepreneur. He is extremely passionate about making others successful. The significance of Social Media in today’s market. His aim is to inspire (2022-09-17, Others, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] NETPOP3MIMEClient_src_cn

The .NET Framework does not offer POP3 or MIME support. For those of you who need it, this article provides support for both POP3 and MIME. This article s intent is not to get into the details of POP3 or MIME. Instead the article focuses on how to use the classes I ve provided and finally the internals of the classes in case you d like to do some tweaking. I ve successfully tested the classes on both Yahoo and Gmail throughout development.
The .NET Framework does not offer POP3 or MIME support. For those of you who need it, this article provides support for both POP3 and MIME. This article s intent is not to get into the details of POP3 or MIME. Instead the article focuses on how to use the classes I ve provided and finally the internals of the classes in case you d like to do some tweaking. I ve successfully tested the classes on both Yahoo and Gmail throughout development. (2011-01-17, Others, 335KB, 下载3次)
