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[数据库编程] DATABASE

如果把企业的数据比做生命所必需的血液,那么数据库的设计就是应用中最重要的一部分。有关数据 库设计的材料汗牛充栋,大学学位课程里也有专门的讲述。不过,就如我们反复强调的那样,再好的 老师也比不过经验的教诲。所以我们最近找了些对数据库设计颇有造诣的专业人士给大家传授一些设 计数据库的技巧和经验。我们的编辑从收到的130 个反馈中精选了其中的60 个最佳技巧,并把这些 技巧编写成了本文,为了方便索引其内容划
If the enterprise data likened necessary for life s blood, then the database design is the most important part of the application. The data Voluminous materials database design, university degree programs where there are special about. However, as we have repeatedly emphasized, even the best Teacher ratio, but also experience the teachings. So we recently found some quite accomplished on database design professionals give you impart some set Meter database skills and experience. Our editors from the feedback received from 130 of them selected 60 best tips, and these This technique would be prepared, in order to facilitate its contents index Scheme (2013-09-16, Others, 55KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] Sybaseqyjglycksc

Sybase is a large database systems, with much, but it is exclusive in some sectors. This is the Sybase enterprise-class management manual, there is some help for beginners (2010-10-15, Others, 1823KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] kaoqin

An enterprise time and attendance system, enterprises can achieve Attendance Management (2008-11-16, Others, 359KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] 13396_ddooo

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Related Searches: vb Invoicing Management System download vb Invoicing Invoicing drug vb VB source code download vb source code vb Invoicing Invoicing source VB pharmaceutical enterprises. Enter a keyword in the Site 350000 Massive source Be Code Library Search: (2008-05-16, Others, 402KB, 下载14次)


[数据库编程] tiaoxingmakaifa

摘要:采用Foxpro2.5T3数据库开发平台开发了一种计算机机房和网吧收费管理系统,该系 统的帐户信h,基」几条形码识别身份,也可以直接键入用户帐户的数码,所需的用户信h,完全山 计算机集中管理。该系统是一种重l从对上机计费、值班人员工作日志与收费情况进行详细记 录,J{含有信任委托技术在内的机房网吧管理收费系统,系统成木低廉、运行速度快、代码紧 凑、功能健全、开发平台简单。
Abstract : using Foxpro2.5T3 database development platform for the development of a computer room and Internet cafes charging management system, The system of accounts letter h- "a few bar code identity, users can directly enter the digital account, the letter h users completely Hill computer centralized management. This is a re-l from the right on the plane billing, log on duty personnel and the toll of detailed records, J (trust entrusted with the technical room Internet cafe management system, the system log into low, running speed, code compact, functional, simple development platform. (2006-12-19, Others, 52KB, 下载8次)
