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[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] H.264-cn

H.264 official Chinese version of the document, pdf text version of the directory. H.264 format, the students want to know can have it, very helpful. (2011-03-07, Others, 3712KB, 下载1次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] kmp

这是一款新颖的播放器,具有传统media player,real player所不具有的优点,适合于边工作边娱乐的场合,可以只显示播放的内容而没有边框和状态栏。
This is a new player, with a traditional media player, real player do not have the advantages of work with suitable entertainment occasions, you can display only the content of broadcast without borders and the status bar. (2008-04-17, Others, 13791KB, 下载4次)
