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[远程控制/远程桌面] RDCMan-zh_CN

Remote Desktop Connection Manager(RDCMan) 2.7 zh_CN 简体中文汉化版,
Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) 2.7 zh_ CN Simplified Chinese version, (2019-12-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] peizhiVPNlianjie

To make multiple enterprise networks can use the Internet to connect them, and only to trusted businesses or partner access to this server by configuring VPN, encryption, authentication, data validation techniques common applications, and ultimately on the Internet establish a dedicated network, allowing remote users to securely access the network through the Internet within the network resources. (2013-10-31, Others, 424KB, 下载3次)
