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[其他行业] 065946

No decompression password, everyone to see, the design of the site code is very good, is an enterprise website, please appreciate the reference, thank you ~! (2018-12-19, MultiPlatform, 207KB, 下载0次)


[其他行业] Vrqam

Dream edge design enterprise website system, very good asp source code (2018-12-19, MultiPlatform, 503KB, 下载0次)


[其他行业] ExhCAD_1_01a_Final

《管状换热器计算机辅助设计系统ExhCAD绘图系统(版本:1.01a Final)》为自由软件,采用增量软件开发模型,并用UML对软件进行 建模,以便更新。 该版本只是对换热器的最简单的形式做出设计,而且程序在计算 (包括设计、校核两部分,其中校核部分未编)、绘图过程中都作了简 化,虽然采用了参数化绘图,并能进行简单的数据管理,但没有考虑 换热器的插入件、安装(待编)等因素的影响,特别是在绘图中用 Automatuion技术绘制了管子部分,并对一些常用图形设计了图库,以 方便操作,后采用Object Arx详绘!由于水平和时间、精力等因素,软 件肯定有不少的Bug,但这是我的第一次尝试,希望能得到高手的指点。 设计出的换热器适应于冶金企业中使用,尤其是工业加热炉的余 热回收;以金属直、光管为传热介质,空气在管内流动,烟气在管外 流动。考虑实际情况,大多数换热器采用逆流,按照实际要求,本软 件在设计时做了些简化处理,但仍然能满足工程需要。 配置要求:主机在486以上,操作系统为Windows 98以上。如果要 使用完整功能,则需要装有AutoCAD R14、Microsoft Excel 2000、 Microsoft Access 2000。
"tubular heat exchanger computer-aided design system ExhCAD Mapping System (Version : Final 1.01a)," free software, using incremental software development model, and the UML modeling software to update. The release of heat exchanger is the most simple design made in the form and the procedures in the calculation (including design, verification of two parts, which some non-checking), the mapping process has been simplified, although the parameters of graphics, and simple data management, but did not consider the heat exchanger The inserts, installation (to be ed.), the impact of such factors, especially in the graphics rendering technology used Automatuion the tubes, as well as some commonly used graphics library designed to facilitate the operation, after using Object Arx detaile (2006-03-17, MultiPlatform, 10274KB, 下载137次)
