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[电子书籍] Loundrunner

LoadRunner 是一种预测系统行为和性能的负载测试工具。通过以模拟上千万用户实施并发负载及实时性能监测的方式来确认和查找问题,LoadRunner 能够对整个企业架构进行测试
LoadRunner is a load testing tool to predict system behavior and performance. By simulating tens of millions of users to implement concurrent load and real-time performance monitoring to identify and find problems, LoadRunner can test the entire enterprise architecture (2021-03-10, MultiPlatform, 2662KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] J2EEclassChinese

电子书籍,不错滴 今天,越来越多的开发人员都想编写分布式的,事务型的企业及应用程序,以及平衡速度、安全及服务器方可靠度的技术。如果你已经在这个领域工作,你应该知道在当今的快速变换及需求的电子商务及信息技术的世界里,企业应用程序需要设计、编译、产生低价位的、高速的、占用少量资源的程序。 为了缩减开发成本,快速跟踪企业应用的设计和开发,J2EE技术提供了基于组件的设计方法,开发、集成、部署应用程序。J2EE平台提供了多层分布式应用模式,使具有重用的能力,并集成了基于XML的数据交换——一个统一的安全模式及灵活的事务控制。
electronic books, good drop today, more and more developers want to prepare distributed, Service-oriented enterprises and application procedures, and to balance speed, security and reliability of the server side technology. If you already work in this field, you should know that in today's rapidly changing and the demand for e-commerce and information technology world, enterprise applications need to design, compile and produce the low-cost, high-speed, taking up a small amount of resources procedures. To reduce development costs, fast tracking enterprise application design and development, J2EE technology provides a component-based design, development, integration and deployment of applications. J2EE platform offers a multi-tier distributed application model, with the ability to reuse (2006-07-05, MultiPlatform, 3747KB, 下载51次)


[电子书籍] jycq

one for enterprises on how to book a hundred years Everlasting how enterprises should do if (2006-04-02, MultiPlatform, 566KB, 下载121次)


[电子书籍] cn_rfc

中文RFC 384 篇
Chinese RFC 384 (2004-11-15, MultiPlatform, 516KB, 下载30次)
