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[Websocket编程] Signal-Analyzer-Dashboard

Real-time signal to noise ratio,constellation plotting using C++, HighCharts, WebSocket, POCO, Armadillo (2017-05-18, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Websocket编程] cloudtalk

专注于 企业云布署 的即时通讯系统,基于teamtalk开源项目二次开发,采用 t-io 内核做为websocket服务端核心技术模块,群集布置效果优化,业务模块与底层分离,能快速与自已现有系统对接。支持音,视频通话,支持 ando...
Focusing on the instant messaging system for enterprise cloud deployment, based on the secondary development of the Teamtalk open source project, the t-io kernel is used as the core technical module of the websocket server, the cluster layout effect is optimized, the business module is separated from the bottom layer, and can quickly connect with the existing system. Support audio, video calls, and ando (2019-02-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
