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[DirextX编程] AviWriter

编译环境vs2008+opencv2.0+DirectShow。 将摄像头采集到的图像写入到avi文件中,也可以将avi文件中的帧图像写入到avi文件中。视频帧图像的来源取决于运行时输入的参数的数量。 ps:directshow可以在http://www.opencv.org.cn/下载
Environment:vs2008+opencv2.0+DirectShow Detail: capture frame from camera or avi files,then write image to target files. Where to load image is decided by the number of the args. PS:if you want to download DirectShow, you can surf http://www.opencv.org.cn/ (2012-04-07, C++, 1KB, 下载23次)
