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[其他] 秦氏调音台源程序

Absolutely original works! Four groups of audio files can be managed in groups, and four groups of audio files can be played at the same time! The playback function control can select left and right channels, stereo and mixed sound. It supports four groups of independent control, including volume, balance, etc. Applicable scenarios: band performance, audio control of enterprise activity programs in various scenarios. (2020-06-10, VFP, 6108KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 校园之声v1.0源程序

Absolutely original works! Audio files can be played regularly! Application scenarios: School ringing, examination instruction control, regular publicity of enterprises, other regular broadcasting, etc. The program supports Title input, play status display, date and time beautification display and other functions. (2020-06-10, VFP, 2055KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 7638508

GBA上运行的一个龙与地下城用骰子程序,当时实在找不到骰子了,只能自己写个东东来用,按下A后按下B键,得到随机数, (2018-04-02, VFP, 60KB, 下载1次)
