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[教育系统应用] 教学管理系统

Enterprise and database teaching management system homework, create CDM and PDM to generate SQL files and create trigger stored procedures (2018-11-07, SQL, 908KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] student-sql

Student Information Management System (2010-07-01, SQL, 619KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] 200611917284874

admin system。simple enterprise management system, which normally functions out learn from。 (2010-05-28, SQL, 1156KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] StudentInformationSystem

针对部分学校的学生信息仍然是传统管理的模式,我基于c#.NET和SQL SEVER2005开发了基于C/S架构的学生信息系统,实现了学生信息的完全网络化,大大方便了师生和同学。本学生成绩管理系统模块是为了实现学校人力资源的优化和学生信息管理的科学管理而设计的,通过试用本系统,可以更加有效的管理学生信息,其中包括基本信息管理,用户管理,新生信息的录入和查看,学生选课及课程表查询,学生报考四六级信息和报考历史,以及报考计算机等级考试报考信和报考历史。
Information for some schools are still the traditional management model, that my c#. NET and SQL SEVER2005 developed based on C/S architecture student information system, student information to achieve a complete network, and greatly facilitate the teachers and students. The student achievement management system module is to optimize human resources to achieve the school and student information management, scientific management and design, through the trial of the system can more effectively manage student information, including basic information management, user management, new information entry and viewing, students course selection and curriculum inquiry, students sit for 46 information and apply for history, and computer grade examination candidates apply for the letter and apply for history. (2010-05-28, SQL, 4198KB, 下载18次)


[教育系统应用] aybook.cn_shujukdsasj

本文介绍了一个基于Client/Server模式的高校图书管理系统的设计与实现。运用Visual Basic.Net结合Microsoft SQL Server 2000开发的登录模块主要用于验证用户身份,进行有效的操作。从主界面模块在验证后进入每个子模块进行各个子系统的具体功能操作。在整个系统设计中充分利用了模块化的设计思想和开发方法。
In this paper, based on Client/Server model of University Library Management System Design and Implementation. Visual Basic.Net combining the use of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to develop login module is mainly used to authenticate a user to carry out effective operations. From the main interface modules entered in the verification of each sub-module specific functions to each subsystem to operate. Throughout the system design takes advantage of modular design concepts and development methods. (2007-12-10, SQL, 403KB, 下载1次)
