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[软件设计/软件工程] DB2-Universal-Database-

IBM DB2 通用数据库是数以千计企业实现电子商务的基石,也是全球第一个具备网上功能的多媒体关系数据库管理系统,其强大的功能足以满足大型企业的需求;而其灵活的架构,又能适合中小企业的要求。
IBM DB2 Universal Database is the cornerstone of the thousands of e-commerce enterprises, but also the world' s first with online features, multimedia relational database management system, its powerful enough to meet the needs of large enterprises and its flexible architecture, but also for the SME requirements. (2011-08-16, SQL, 742KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] store_system_last

The project developed by the end user is the warehouse of small factories and enterprises. Objective of the project is able to do administrator of the goods information storage, a library, query, modify and statistical information goods. Administrator to the information of goods statistics, updates. (2009-01-02, SQL, 5144KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 2238.cn_2006827224523580

家庭图书管理系统设计与说明 源程序清单 毕业设计
Family library management system design source list and description of graduation project (2007-12-26, SQL, 145KB, 下载15次)
