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tai lieu mimo cn 2019
tai lieu mimo cn 2019 (2020-12-11, SQL, 60KB, 下载3次)


[其他] We7.CMS.Demo.32bit

We7 CMS基于.net技术的功能强大、操作简单、开放源码的新一代企业级CMS内容管理系统。
Based on. Net technology, we7 CMS is a new generation of enterprise CMS content management system with powerful functions, simple operation and open source. (2020-10-01, SQL, 11323KB, 下载1次)


[其他] r2r-3159

1、组织目录架构多层部门无限分级 2、多功能即时通讯,如文字交流,文件传输 3、多用户集体会话讨论组 4、视频语音点对点会话 5、部门群发文件和文字消息 6、好友企业功能,可和多企业互联交流更方便 7、网络视频会议,电子白板,屏幕共享,文件共享 8、与第三方系统软件嵌入,(如:OA、邮箱、ERP、CRM等系统)嵌入后可实行无需输入用户密码即可直接登录产品
1. Organization directory structure multi level departments unlimited classification 2. Multi function instant messaging, such as text communication and file transfer 3. Multi user group discussion 4. Video voice point-to-point session 5. Department group file and text message 6. Friend enterprise function, it is more convenient to communicate with multiple enterprises 7. Network video conference, electronic whiteboard, screen sharing, file sharing 8. Embedded with the third-party system software (such as OA, mailbox, ERP, CRM and other systems), it can directly log in the product without entering the user password (2020-03-07, SQL, 4204KB, 下载0次)


[其他] datastatistics

Underground city dynamic SQL, language SQL, component package, define dynamic layout SQL (2020-02-24, SQL, 1KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SQL Server 企业管理器 绿色版

SQL Server 企业管理器 绿色版,很好用,主要可以维护sql2000数据库
SQL Server enterprise manager green version, very easy to use, mainly can maintain SQL2000 database. (2018-11-10, SQL, 18922KB, 下载3次)


[其他] Desktop

如果你还需要下钻到更小范围比如区级,那就只能跟百度地图API结合了,PS:当然也可以用Ehcarts自定义地图实现但是每个县的区级地图JSON数据网上也没有, 并且Echarts生成也只能生成到县。 如何下钻到县区级: 实现效果:点击某个市的县后,在到百度地图上框出边界线,设置缩放级别调整视角。(如果想要更好的效果也可以把边除了框出来的城市外其他的城市不显示)
If you still need to drill down to a smaller range, such as the district level, it can only be combined with the Baidu map API, and PS: can of course be implemented with a Ehcarts custom map, but there are no district map JSON data online in each county, And Echarts generation can only be generated in the county. How to drill down to the county level: To achieve the effect: click on the county of a city, then draw the boundary line on the Baidu map, set the zoom level adjustment angle. (if you want a better result, you can also show the cities outside the borders except the cities). (2018-05-10, SQL, 8847KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 数据库三级项目

A good management system can stand out in many hotels, the details of the hotel can be safe, stable, efficient and efficient, to realize the high quality and high standard function of the hotel management, so that the manager can devote more attention to the comfort of the customer's housing. In the face of the arrival of the information age, it is necessary to constantly improve the technology management technology of the enterprise and lay a good foundation for the development of the hotel. In addition, it is more important to have a complete management system, combining the advantages of the computer, convenient for the communication between the hotel administrators and the customers, and more perfect management of the hotel. (2018-04-22, SQL, 412KB, 下载1次)


[其他] db

Personnel management system of an enterprise database development. Process are. (2009-11-29, SQL, 265KB, 下载6次)


[其他] qiyerenshiguanli

Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim txtSQL As String Dim ID As String Dim rstLogin As New ADODB.Recordset Dim flag As String Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection Dim miCount As Integer gUserName = "" gUserKind = "" ID = Trim(txtUserName.Text) (2009-11-29, SQL, 358KB, 下载10次)


[其他] S)

Ordering System Enterprise newspapers sql is a language and powerbuilder developed a system (2009-06-08, SQL, 3099KB, 下载5次)
