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[数据库系统] 就业管理系统

With the help of the server, teachers, students and enterprises can interact in real time. Students can view recruitment information and submit resumes. Enterprises can decide whether to hire or not. Teachers can manage employment information. (2019-06-01, SQL, 139KB, 下载2次)


[数据库系统] Databasedesignskills60

如果把企业的数据比做生命所必需的血液,那么数据库的设计就是应用中最重要的一部分。有关数据 库设计的材料汗牛充栋,大学学位课程里也有专门的讲述。不过,就如我们反复强调的那样,再好的 老师也比不过经验的教诲。所以我们最近找了些对数据库设计颇有造诣的专业人士给大家传授一些设 计数据库的技巧和经验。我们的编辑从收到的130 个反馈中精选了其中的60 个最佳技巧,并把这些 技巧编写成了本文,为了方便索引其内容划分为5 个部分: 第 1 部分— 设计数据库之前 这一部分罗列了12 个基本技巧,包括命名规范和明确业务需求等。 第 2 部分— 设计数据库表 总共 24 个指南性技巧,涵盖表内字段设计以及应该避免的常见问题等。 第 3 部分— 选择键 怎么选择键呢?这里有10 个技巧专门涉及系统生成的主键的正确用法,还有何时以及如何索引字段 以获得最佳性能等。 第 4 部分— 保证数据完整性 讨论如何保持数据库的清晰和健壮,如何把有害数据降低到最小程度。 第 5 部分— 各种小技巧 不包括在以上 4 个部分中的其他技巧,五花八门,有了它们希望你的数据库开发工作会更轻松一些。
If the business life of the data necessary to compare the blood, then the application of database design is the most important part. Relevant data Voluminous materials library design, a university degree course and also on special. However, as we have repeatedly emphasized, even the best Experience than a teacher s teaching, however. Therefore, we have recently found some of the database design is quite accomplished professionals to teach you some set up Database of skills and experience. Our editors from feedback received 130 of them selected the 60 best skills, and these Skills in the preparation of this article has become, in order to facilitate the indexing of its content is divided into five parts: Part 1- Design the database before This part of a list of 12 basic skills, including naming convention and a clear business needs. Part 2- Design database tables Guide to a total of 24 skills, covering the design of the table field and should be avoided, such as freque (2009-06-22, SQL, 55KB, 下载3次)


[数据库系统] film

This is a small film systems, there are databases. For beginners a good reference (2008-10-30, SQL, 128KB, 下载4次)


[数据库系统] mysql_reference_manual_cn

MySQL是一个小型关系型数据库管理系统,开发者为瑞典MySQL AB公司。在2008年1月16号被Sun公司收购。目前MySQL被广泛地应用在Internet上的中小型网站中。由于其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低,尤其是开放源码这一特点,许多中小型网站为了降低网站总体拥有成本而选择了MySQL作为网站数据库。MySQL的官方网站的网址是:www.mysql.com
MySQL is a small relational database management system, development of the Swedish company MySQL AB. In January 16, 2008 acquired by Sun. MySQL is currently being widely used in Internet, small and medium-sized site. Because of its small size, speed and low total cost of ownership, in particular the characteristics of open source, many small and medium-sized Web sites in order to reduce the total cost of ownership and choose the MySQL database as a Web site. MySQL (2008-09-04, SQL, 444KB, 下载4次)


[数据库系统] adapplication

AD(Active Directory)以不同的数据源显示数据的实现(包含源代码) Active Directory 是一种企业级目录服务,该服务可伸缩、使用 Internet 标准技术从基础建立,并完全在操作系统级别上集成。Active Directory 简化了管理,使用户很容易找到各种资源。Active Directory 提供了非常广泛的特性和功能。
AD (Active Directory) to different data sources show that the realization of the data (including source code) Active Directory is an enterprise-class directory service, the service scalable, use the Internet standard technologies from basic established and fully integrated in the operating system level . Active Directory simplifies management, enables users to easily find all kinds of resources. Active Directory provides a very wide range of features and functionality. (2008-06-14, SQL, 48KB, 下载20次)


[数据库系统] mysql_cn_sc

Mysql Chinese Manual (2004-08-03, SQL, 437KB, 下载32次)
