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[书籍源码] beatycode

代码之美精选版 企业软件开发丛书 高清晰
The U.S. version of the code selected series of high-definition software development company (2010-04-17, PDF, 1222KB, 下载4次)


[书籍源码] asteriskdoc

asterisk文档,企业需要使用可能范围内最多的电话线,而这正好是利用VoIP结合PSTN服务所能做到的。这意味着你需要一个PBX系统来在企业内进行线路调度。IP PBX系统可能会花费不菲,但你 完全可以用一个低成本的方法来使用VoIP PBX功能:开源解决方案。而最流行的也是支持最好的开源PBX软件就是Asterisk。
asterisk document, companies need to use the maximum extent possible, the telephone lines, and this is precisely the use of VoIP with PSTN services would have to do. This means that you need a PBX system to route within the enterprise scheduling. IP PBX system may be expensive, but you can use a low-cost ways to use VoIP PBX functions: open source solutions. The most popular is also to support the best open-source PBX software is Asterisk. (2009-12-22, PDF, 669KB, 下载25次)


[书籍源码] Geodaworkbook-CN

Practical Course Geoda the Chinese version of the map operation for beginners Geoda analysis to help older students. (2009-09-19, PDF, 705KB, 下载25次)


[书籍源码] ADE7758datesheet_cn_88page

Chinese ADE7758 data sheet, 88 pages, describes the ADE7758 all aspects of the use of the hardware configuration (2009-07-22, PDF, 1398KB, 下载133次)
