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[SQL Server] SQLTheCompleteReference

sql完全手册 本书为专业和非专业用户、程序员、数据处理方面的专业人士和希望理解sQL在今天计算机产业中的影响的经理们提供了关于SQL语言的全面深入的介绍。本书为理解和使用SQL提供了一个概念上的框架,描述了SQL的历史和SQL的标准,解释了SQL在各种计算机产业领域(如企业级数据处理、数据仓库、Web 站点体系结构)中的作用。这一版包含一些新的章节,专门讲述SQL在应用服务器体系结构中的作用、sQL与xML的集成以及其他基于对象的技术。
Written by professional and non professional users, programmers, data processing professionals and want to understand in today' s computer industry sQL the impact of managers on the SQL language to provide a comprehensive in-depth description. This book is to understand and use SQL provides a conceptual framework, describing the history of SQL and SQL standards, explains the computer industry in various areas of SQL (such as enterprise-level data processing, data warehousing, Web site architecture) in role. This version contains some new chapters devoted to SQL in the application server architecture role, sQL and xML integration and other object-based technology. (2010-05-21, PDF, 45217KB, 下载2次)
