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[网络编程] Overview-of--DCS-in-CN

复杂网络中的社团结构算法综述 关 键 词 :复杂网络 社团结构 层次性 模块度函数 重叠性
Overview of Algorithms for Detecting Community Structure in Complex Networks (2016-01-24, PDF, 1334KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] intranet-simulations

This information is mainly intranet simulations: Contains ACL control, network address translation section. (2014-12-27, PDF, 250KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] cn_ibm_system_x3850_x5

Internal data files ibm3850 server hardware selection is very useful for (2014-07-13, PDF, 754KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] CN

documents on computer networks
documents on computer networks (2012-01-14, PDF, 21304KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] MAN-Export-Exception-Handling

根据集团公司“交换防瘫痪、传输防阻断、数据防拥塞”的要求,IP 城域网在运行过 程中就需要经常注意节点出口带宽的使用情况,由于今年来,计算机的普及,上网人数呈现 几何级的增长,互联网病毒也越来越多,爆发的频率也越来越高,许多蠕虫病毒在爆发时具 有扫描网络,主动传播病毒的能力,会大量占用网络带宽或网络设备系统资源。在很短的时 间内,大量的异常流量会淹没正常的流量,非正常的数据流量攻击网络设备或其接入的服务 器,致使网络设备或服务器的性能下降,或占用网络带宽,影响其它相关用户流量的正常通 信,最终使被攻击目标因过载而崩溃
According to the company, "anti-paralysis of the exchange, transfer anti-blocking, anti-congestion data" requirements, IP MAN run over Process requires constant attention to the export node bandwidth usage, because this year, the popularity of computers, the Internet showing the number of Geometric growth of the Internet more and more viruses, increasing the frequency of outbreaks, many of the outbreak of a worm There scan the network, the ability to take the initiative to spread the virus will take a lot of network bandwidth or network equipment system resources. In a very short time Room, a large number of abnormal traffic flow will take away the normal, non-normal data traffic attacks or access the services network equipment Device, resulting in the performance of network devices or server down, or network bandwidth, affecting the normal flow of other relevant users through Letter, and finally to be targeted collapse due to overload (2011-01-17, PDF, 88KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Troubleshooting-LAN-Switch

换机是IP 城域网中不可缺少的一部分,大量的二层和三层LAN 交换机通过GE 或FE 相互之间进行连接,构成了IP 城域网的平面网络。在城域网日常维护工作中,经常 会遇到一些交换机故障,但事实上,LAN 交换机是比较稳定的设备,许多故障的产生的原 因都是由于交换机与交换机,交换机与光纤收发器之间的网线引起的,网线制作不标准,网 线皮破损,RJ45 头没压好,都会产生一系列的问题,而这些问题在初期并不会很明显的体 现,往往在设备运行的过程中才会慢慢显现出来,下面就我们日常工作中遇到的一些问题和 处理过程和大家探讨一下。
IP MAN LAN switches are an integral part of the large number of second and three LAN switch through the GE Or FE are connected with each other to form a flat IP network MAN. Routine maintenance work in the metropolitan area, often Encounter some switch failure, but in fact, LAN switches, the device is relatively stable, the production of many of the original fault Are due to the switch and the switch because the switch and fiber optic cable between the transceiver caused production of non-standard network cable, network Line of skin damage, RJ45 head did not press well, will have a series of problems, and these problems will not be obvious in the initial body Now, often in the course of operation of equipment will slowly emerge, following on our daily work and some of the problems encountered And to discuss our process. (2011-01-17, PDF, 103KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] Slow-speed-of-IP-MAN

IP 城域网网速变慢分析及参考解决方法 ―― By Heaven于杭州 IP 城域网建成运行后,网络发生故障是不可避免的。一般当网络发生无法连 通、不能浏览Web 等故障时,现象比较明确,容易观察和定位故障点,此类故 障解决起来相对容易。还有一类故障就是网络是通的,但网速变慢。在面对这类 障时,往往会感觉到无从下手。本文为大家介绍引起此类故障常见的原因及排除 方法,和大家共同提高。
Slow speed of IP MAN and reference solutions - By Heaven in Hangzhou IP MAN up and running, the network failure is inevitable. Even when the network is not generally Pass, can not browse the Web and other failure, are quite clear, easy to observe and locate the fault point, so such Barrier is relatively easy to solve. Another type of failure is the network that pass, but the speed slower. In the face of such Barrier, they often feel unable to start. This article is to introduce a common cause of such failure causes and ruled out Methods, and all together. (2011-01-17, PDF, 102KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] 26thChinaInternetDevelopmentStatisticsReport

第26次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告 中国网民规模与结构、互联网基础资源、上网条件和网络应用等方面的信息,对国家和企业掌握互联网络发展动态和制定决策有着十分重要的意义。1997年,经国家主管部门研究,决定由中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)联合当时的四大互联网络单位共同实施这项统计工作,并于同年11月发布了第1次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》。为了使这项工作正规化、制度化,从1998年起,中国互联网络信息中心于每年1月和7月定期发布《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》。统计报告发布后,受到各个方面的重视,被国内外广泛引用。本次为第26次调查。
26th China Internet Development Statistics Report Size and structure of Chinese Internet users, Internet-based resources, access to Internet and network applications such as information, and corporate control of national developments and the development of the Internet has a very important decision. In 1997, research by the national authorities, the decision by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) Internet joint unit of the four was the common implementation of this statistical work, and in November the same year released the 1st "China Internet Development Statistical Report. " To make this work regularization and institutionalization, since 1998, the China Internet Network Information Center in January and July each year regularly published "China Internet Development Statistics Report." After statistical report released by the various aspects of attention, is widely used at home and abroad. The survey for the first 26. (2010-10-16, PDF, 862KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] ChinaTele

中国电信集团公司是按国家电信体制改革方案组建的特大型国有通信企业,是中国最大的基 础网络运营商,拥有世界第一大固定电话网络,覆盖全国城乡、通达世界各地
Chian Tele introduction (2009-10-05, PDF, 462KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] IP_Route_Analytics_White_Paper

From enterprises to college campuses, throughout government agencies and across the global Internet, the economic advantages of networks based on the Internet Protocol have established IP as today’s communication infrastructure of choice. Compared with legacy, connection-oriented networks, IP delivers far greater resiliency and scalability at a significantly lower cost of deployment. (2009-08-25, PDF, 224KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] sip(chinese)

prepared by the MII sip Chinese version of the agreement, the agreement sip a detailed briefing, English is believed to be in disregard of a good friend of the information (2007-05-24, PDF, 551KB, 下载67次)
