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按分类查找All 行业发展研究(22) 
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[行业发展研究] 人工智能应用

Research on industry application of AI (2017-11-27, PDF, 2427KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] xinyongrepart

The social comprehensive credit uation institution to the enterprise credit rating report (2015-08-05, PDF, 300KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] SWOT

研究对 SWOT 分析的涵义和步骤进行阐述,同时对京东商城进行 SWOT 分析,对其发展提出了相应的对策与竞争战略,指出了 SWOT 分析在企业竞争情报中运用的不足,并进行了展望。
SWOT analysis of the implications for research and steps to elaborate, while Jingdong Mall SWOT analysis, its development put forward the corresponding countermeasures and competitive strategy, SWOT analysis pointed out in the enterprise competitive intelligence in the use of the deficiencies and were discussed. (2013-05-26, PDF, 323KB, 下载7次)


[行业发展研究] Foshan-service-industry-development

佛山发展服务外包产业具有显著的区位与政策优势,广东金融高新技术服务区的建立更为佛山 发展服务外包产业带来巨大契机。本研究通过实地企业调研发现,当地的制造企业具有很强的服务外包需求, 发展服务外包产业的潜力巨大。
Foshan development of service outsourcing industry has significant regional policy advantages, establish more Foshan of Guangdong Financial High-tech service area to the development of service outsourcing industry a huge opportunity. In this study, through on-site business research found that local manufacturing companies have a strong demand for outsourcing, the potential for the development of service outsourcing industry is huge. (2012-12-17, PDF, 266KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] chelunjiance

德国马克拉轮毂-车轮检测技术.pdf 德国马克拉(MAKRA)检测技术股份有限公司位于巴登符腾堡州的 布鲁赫萨尔城,是一家开发生产汽车车轮试验/检测设备及包括铝 车轮在内的各种复杂零部件夹具工装的专业厂家。产品广泛应用于 欧、美、日、韩及世界著名汽车车轮制造厂,并为德国技术监督协 会(TUV)车轮/轮胎检测证中心提供了多台跳动/弯曲疲劳/冲击试 验机,用于用户产品的检测认证。
Germany Make La wheels- wheel detection technology. Pdf Detection Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Baden-Württemberg city of Bruchsal, Germany Make La (MAKRA), is a development and production of automobile wheel test/inspection equipment and includes alloy wheels including a variety of complex parts for the fixture of the professional manufacturers of tooling. The products are widely used in Europe, the United States, Japan, Korea and the world famous automobile wheel manufacturer, and the German Agency for Technical Supervision Association (TUV) wheel/tire test certificate Centre provides more than one beat/bending fatigue/impact test machine for users Product testing and certification. (2012-06-08, PDF, 429KB, 下载7次)


[行业发展研究] 6sigma

Six Sigma in our company is still in the exploratory stage, the Chinese enterprises in implementing Six Sigma can be described as formidable. Six Sigma domestic enterprises engaged in very few real, most in the pursuit of new concepts, just lick, try new models, swallow and digest the lack of real courage and determination, many companies that Six Sigma is only in the use of a These tools do not do Six Sigma training and implementation of the system, let alone strategic planning. (2011-08-12, PDF, 2907KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] job-search-Collection

通信业由通信服务业和通信制造业组成。通信服务业包括提供信息内容服务的信息提供 业和提供通信网络服务的运营业。目前,在我国通信服务业中,信息提供业的主要企业是互
Communications services and communications by the communication component manufacturing. Communication services including the provision of information services to provide information content to provide communications network services industry and the operation industry. At present, China s telecommunications service industry, information industry, the main business is to provide each other (2011-06-08, PDF, 392KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] abc

How to apply for military security companies Certification Eligibility (2011-06-02, PDF, 4KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] Innovative-enterprise-management

在以全球化、科技化为主要特征的21世纪,提高自主创新能力、建 设创新型企业,是我国企业发展的一个重要战略
In the globalization, the main features of technology into the 21st century to improve the capability of independent innovation and building innovation-oriented enterprises, China is an important strategic business development (2011-05-09, PDF, 413KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Global-Internet-report

截至2007年2月28日,全球主要的顶级域名注册量见下表。其中,中国.CN的注册量为1,874,604,位居全球ccTLD(不计入欧 盟.EU域名)注册量排名第四位
As of February 28, 2007, the world' s leading top-level domain name registrations below. Among them, China. CN registrations to 1,874,604, the highest in the world ccTLD (not included in the European Union. EU domain name) registration ranking fourth in the amount of (2011-05-09, PDF, 315KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] jingyinguanli

一个企业家,要想长期立于不败之地,做永远的赢家,经营管理断不可 视。而经营管理是一门十分高深的专门学问,它既需借助于理论知识,又 凭藉于实践经验。倘若不知深浅,象无头苍蝇到处乱撞,必将碰壁。
An entrepreneur, to long-term success, the winners always do, and management off invisible. The management is a very highly specialized knowledge, both need the help of theoretical knowledge, but also with the practical experience. If I do not know the depth, like without a head full of wild guesses, will run into a wall. (2010-12-05, PDF, 1043KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] Horizontal-transfer-of-enterprises-within-the-grou

横向型企业集团内部订单转移的价格研究Horizontal transfer of enterprises within the group the price of the order
Horizontal transfer of enterprises within the group the price of the order (2010-11-22, PDF, 105KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Web-based-Virtual-Enterprise-Knowledge-Management-

基于Web的虚拟企业知识管理系统研究Web-based Virtual Enterprise Knowledge Management System
Web-based Virtual Enterprise Knowledge Management System (2010-11-22, PDF, 160KB, 下载7次)


[行业发展研究] Based-on-core-capabilities-value-chain-reconstruct

基于价值链的企业核心能力重构Based on core capabilities value chain reconstruction
Based on core capabilities value chain reconstruction (2010-11-22, PDF, 124KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] Oil-and-gas-production-enterprise-monitoring-nd-wa

油气生产企业油藏地质监测预警系统研究Oil and gas production enterprise monitoring and warning system of reservoir geology
Oil and gas production enterprise monitoring and warning system of reservoir geology (2010-11-22, PDF, 114KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] DevofDVB-TRFTuners

Development of DVB-T RF Tuners (cn)
Development of DVB-T RF Tuners (cn) (2009-04-15, PDF, 1821KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] 360degree

" Microsoft 360 degrees- business and culture" , describes Microsoft' s culture, books, software development recommend a friend to read. (2009-03-15, PDF, 554KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] WebDataMiningApplication

电子商务是指所有借助电子手段完成商务行为,如市场营销、谈判、签定合同、送货、售后服务等。电子商务基于Internet这个大众化的传媒网络把企业与其客户联系在一起。随着电子商务的发展,企业对客户关系管理的研究成为一个重要的研究课题。web挖掘技术正是随之应运而生的技术,web挖掘的目标就是理解客户的所需、所想,并依此制定有效的决策。在web上,电子商务的业务交易记录记载了大量的详细跟踪数据,这些跟踪数据中包含了大量的信息供企业进行数据挖掘。 (2008-06-07, PDF, 66KB, 下载20次)


[行业发展研究] blue_sea

蓝海战略要求企业突破传统的血腥竞争所形成的“红海”,拓展新的非竞争 性的市场空间。与已有的、通常呈收缩趋势的竞争市场需求不同,蓝海战略考虑 的是如何创造需求,突破竞争。本书不仅仅对企业思维进行挑战,而且告诉它们 怎样达到目标。首先,我们引入一整套分析工具与框架,告诉读者如何系统性地 应对挑战;其次,我们阐明了若干原则,以区分蓝海战略和传统竞争性战略。
blue water strategy requires enterprises bloody break with traditional competition of the "Red Sea" developing new non-competitive market space. And already, the trend is usually contraction in demand in a competitive market different LAN Hai strategic consideration is how to create demand, breakthrough competition. The book not only for businesses thinking of the challenges and tell them how to achieve our goals. First, we introduced a set of analytical tools and frameworks to tell readers how to systematically deal with the challenges; Secondly, we set out a number of principles to distinguish between traditional LAN Hai strategies and competitive strategies. (2006-04-24, PDF, 325KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] 面向虚拟制造的产品开发质量控制

介绍了一种机械测量的方法分析了某大型企业虚拟制造环境下产品开发质量控制的主要需求, 提出了产品开发质量控制的实 施方案, 探讨了质量控制的关键技术及解决途径, 最后研究了基于PDM的产品开发流程重构及其规范化问题。 本文所阐述的方法具有广泛的适用性, 对于实施虚拟制造的企业具有很好的借鉴作用。
introduces a method of measuring mechanical analysis of a large manufacturing enterprise virtual product development environment quality control of the main demands of product development quality control of the implementation of programs to explore the quality control of key technologies and solutions, based on the final study PDM product development process and Reconstruction its standardization. This paper introduces a method has broad applicability, for the implementation of virtual manufacturing enterprises with a good reference. (2005-09-07, PDF, 78KB, 下载10次)
