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[人物传记/成功经验] weierqizizhuan

《韦尔奇自传》 对企业管理感兴趣的应该看一下 韦尔奇:被誉为“世界第一CEO”,在他20年的任期内把通用电气集团带入了辉煌,本书被全球经理人奉为“CEO的圣经”
Welch' s autobiography, " interested in business management should look at Welch: Hailed as the world' s first CEO, General Electric Group in his 20-year term into a brilliant book to be global managers people regarded as " CEO of the Bible" (2012-08-01, PDF, 4784KB, 下载8次)


[人物传记/成功经验] ericsson-2012

The season to find work, job sharing spree friends Ericsson 2012 (2011-08-29, PDF, 718KB, 下载3次)


[人物传记/成功经验] MBA

书中选取了“惠普”、“韩国三星”、“索尼”等世界知 名大公司的人事管理精华,其中不乏有许多值得国内企业借鉴的地方。
The book selected for " HP" , " South Korea' s Samsung" , " Sony" and other world-renowned essence of personnel management of large companies, many of whom have much to learn from domestic enterprises. (2011-08-15, PDF, 639KB, 下载6次)


[人物传记/成功经验] TOYOYA

这本电子书介绍了日本丰田公司怎么一步步成长为世界知名企业 很有启发
This book describes how one of Japan' s Toyota as the world-renowned enterprises to grow step by step is very instructive (2009-10-26, PDF, 162KB, 下载6次)


[人物传记/成功经验] math

哈代是20世纪最优秀的数学思想家,同仁公认他是“真正的数学家是纯粹中最纯粹的”。这篇“自白”是他数学创造力衰退时写下的心酸文字。   在哈代的笔下,数学远远不仅是一门科学,还是艺术,是娱乐,是真善美。   本书刚出版,就被誉为堪与亨利·詹姆斯的笔记媲美的对“创造性艺术家的最佳描述”。   C·P·斯诺的长篇前言满含深情地回顾了哈代的一生,栩栩如生地讲述了他的学术生活和有趣的业余爱好。
Hardy in the 20th century' s best mathematical thinker, colleagues recognized him as " a true mathematician is purely the most pure." This " confession" is his mathematical creativity to write a sad word recession. In Thomas Hardy' s novels, mathematics goes far beyond a science, or art, entertainment, the most sublime. This book just published, praised as worthy of Henry James' s notes comparable to " the best description of the creative artist." C · P · Snow' s lengthy preamble laden with deep feeling reviewed Hardy' s life, vividly recounted his academic life and interesting hobby. (2009-10-15, PDF, 577KB, 下载13次)


[人物传记/成功经验] The_Seven_Habits_Of_Highly_Effective_People_cn

成功人士的七个习惯 (中文电子版 PDF格式)
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (chinese version in pdf format) (2009-03-23, PDF, 6297KB, 下载13次)
