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[压缩解压] 2008-2009B2Bresearch

B2B行业: 行业市场规模和行业增长潜力, 行业产业链划分及发展特点, 行业主要明星企业运营特色, 行业相关企业竞争力对比分析, 行业现行发展中面对的主要问题解析, 网络用户的使用习惯和消费情况, 网络用户对企业的态度或满意度, 网络用户对相关服务的需求程度, 潜在用户群、忠实用户群各类特点。
B2B Industry: Industry market size and industry growth potential, industry classification and the development of characteristics of the industry chain, industry characteristics, the main star business operations, industry related businesses comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the industry present major problems facing the development of analysis, network users usage habits and consumption, the network user-to-business attitude or satisfaction, Internet users to the extent of demand for related services, the potential user base, a loyal customer base all kinds of features. (2010-01-28, PDF, 330KB, 下载3次)
