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[图形图像处理] 7

基于最大累积剩余熵的红外图像分割 经典阈值化分割方法是常用的图像分割方法之一,但对于低对比度,低信噪比的红外图像分割效果 不理想,将累积剩余熵运用于红外图像分割,即寻求使得累积剩余熵最大的灰度值作为分割阈值,实验结果表明:基于最大累积剩余熵的图像分割方法是一种有效的 红外图像分割方法,比起经典的阈值分割方法,分割红外图像的效果要好
Segmentation based on maximum cumulative residual entropy classic infrared image thresholding method is one of the commonly used image segmentation method, but for low-contrast, low SNR infrared image segmentation is not satisfactory, the cumulative residual entropy applied to infrared image segmentation, that makes the search for the maximum cumulative residual entropy of gray values as a threshold value segmentation experimental results show that: image segmentation based on maximum cumulative residual entropy method is an effective infrared image segmentation method, compared to the classical threshold segmentation method, infrared image segmentation better than (2017-03-05, PDF, 585KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] 6

基于最大累积剩余熵的红外图像分割 经典阈值化分割方法是常用的图像分割方法之一,但对于低对比度,低信噪比的红外图像分割效果 不理想,将累积剩余熵运用于红外图像分割,即寻求使得累积剩余熵最大的灰度值作为分割阈值,实验结果表明:基于最大累积剩余熵的图像分割方法是一种有效的 红外图像分割方法,比起经典的阈值分割方法,分割红外图像的效果要好
Segmentation based on maximum cumulative residual entropy classic infrared image thresholding method is one of the commonly used image segmentation method, but for low-contrast, low SNR infrared image segmentation is not satisfactory, the cumulative residual entropy applied to infrared image segmentation, that makes the search for the maximum cumulative residual entropy of gray values as a threshold value segmentation experimental results show that: image segmentation based on maximum cumulative residual entropy method is an effective infrared image segmentation method, compared to the classical threshold segmentation method, infrared image segmentation better than (2017-03-05, PDF, 627KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] EMD-METHOD

scale and the frequencies. Here signa to-noise ratio,which can the high-frequency data is denoised based on EMD for obtaining high offer some references for the prediction of high-frequency data trend. (2016-03-08, PDF, 137KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] bit-and-power-loading2

本文提出了一种算法,根据不同的噪声容限分配数据位,从而实现不等错误保护(UEP)。 新的方法是基于非UEP分配算法。新算法设计通过集成一个新的SNR-排序方案,可抗非平稳脉冲噪声和信道变化。仿真结果表明,该高度保护的比特流分布在低信噪比的大量载波上,从而确保由非平稳噪声信噪比引起的变化,不会多少影响这些载波。此外,窄带干扰不会干扰大量的重要数据。
This paper proposes an algorithm that distributes bits according to different noise margin levels, thereby realizing unequal error protection (UEP). The new approach is based on a non-UEP allocation algorithm by Chow, Cioffi, and Bingham. The new algorithm is designed to be robust to non-stationary impulse noise and channel variations by integrating a new SNR-sorting scheme. Simulation results show that the highly protected bits are spread over a high number of carriers at low SNR, thereby ensuring that SNR variations due to non-stationary noise will not influence these carriers much. Additionally, narrow-band interference will not hit a large amount of important data (2015-10-22, PDF, 296KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] paper4

Based on high SNR directional microphone arrays adopt sound system _ He Qiang (2015-10-06, PDF, 1189KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] 8Band-selection-for-hyperspectra

8乐队选择高光谱图像分类使用互信息IEEE 2006 _guo_grs地球科学和遥感信
8 Band selection for hyperspectral image classification using mutual information IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2006_guo_grs (2014-10-22, PDF, 244KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] paper2

Robust detection algorithms low SNR cycle stationary signals (2014-08-27, PDF, 623KB, 下载4次)


[图形图像处理] TBD

基于改进粒子滤波的检测前跟踪算法_王丁.caj 基于粒子滤波的弱目标检测前跟踪算法研究_龚亚信.caj 基于粒子滤波的弱小目标检测前跟踪算法研究_孙星.caj 雷达弱小目标检测前跟踪技术研究_王艳群.caj
Improved particle filter tracking algorithm based on detection (2014-07-15, PDF, 7189KB, 下载36次)


[图形图像处理] 2012Image

该文章是前视红外图像质量评价指标研究,文中首先给出了图像质量评 价的工作方式,然后从成像质量和目标凸显程度两个方面进行指标分析,提出了包括信噪比、模糊度、目标局部凸显 程度和全局凸显程度在内的指标体系
failed to translate (2013-05-04, PDF, 215KB, 下载14次)


[图形图像处理] 32421paper

介绍了红外成像波门形心跟踪算法的原理,通过建立跟踪误差模型,讨论分析了红外成 像波门形心跟殊算法的误差,当误判概率越小,波门内目标像素越多,背景像素越少时,形心跟踪误差越小 当信噪比越大,相关搜索的次数越少,相关运算的像素总数越多时,正确匹配系数越高。试验证明,该算法不仅能减小跟踪误差,而且能提高跟踪的精确度和稳定性。
Infrared imaging gate centroid tracking algorithm principle, through the establishment of the tracking error model to discuss the analysis of infrared imaging gate-shaped heart with a special algorithm error, misjudgment probability of the smaller waves door target, the more pixels, the background The more pixels is low, the smaller the tracking error of the centroid of the less when the signal to noise ratio the greater the number of search related to computing the total number of pixels for a long time more correctly match the higher the coefficient. The tests show that the algorithm can not only reduce the tracking error, but also improve the tracking accuracy and stability. (2012-08-16, PDF, 318KB, 下载21次)


[图形图像处理] ultrasonic-image

通过超声对被测元件进行检测, 获得二维图像, 然后提取二维轮廓信息, 最终形成三维图像这一过程进行研 究, 并针对每一过程给出了具体的数据采集方法或算法, 算法经实验检验均有非常好的效果, 基本能够达到二维信 息提取要求.
The ultrasonic technique is used to detect a machine part and obtain a two􀀁 dimensional image. Then the message of its two􀀁 dimensional contour are extracted out to form its eventual three􀀁 dimensional image. During such inves􀀁 tigation processes, a typical method for data gathering as well as an algorithm is given for every process. It is verified by the experiment that the algorithms posses very good effectiveness, so that can meet the requirement of extraction of two􀀁 di􀀁 mensional messages. (2012-05-02, PDF, 241KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] image-restoration

restoration algorithm for images blurred by rotation movement (2011-03-08, PDF, 292KB, 下载16次)


[图形图像处理] 2paper2

】Based on the digital watermark and information theory, a rudimental research for the Gaussian watermark capacity is given. Considering that Gaussian distribution has the maximum uncertainty with the maximum entropy among all given second-order distributions, this paper focuses on the watermark communication process with Gaussian channel, and uses the average mutual information to analyze the communication capacity. Also the additive noise channel is introduced to expand the non-Gaussian case. The formula of maximum transmission rate for Gaussian watermark channels is given and simplified, and the 2D and 3D curves for the relationship between the distortion and channel capacity by Matlab are illustrated. It analyses the results at different distortions in two different usages of watermark. (2011-02-07, PDF, 429KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] SNR

。本文在第2 节介绍信号的循环谱特征,并分析噪声对其 的影响;第3 节介绍识别方法;第4 节从仿真试验方面对识 别性能作分析;最后对全文进行了小结。文中部分符号如下: Fc 为载波频率, Fd 为符号率, Fs 为信号采样频率。
. In this paper, Section 2 describes the cycle of the signal spectrum characteristics, and analyze the noise and the effects identification method introduced in section 3 in section 4 simulation results from an analysis in terms of recognition performance Finally, the paper are summarized. Paper, some of the symbols is as follows: Fc is carrier frequency, Fd for the symbol rate, Fs is sampling frequency. (2010-04-26, PDF, 274KB, 下载61次)


[图形图像处理] Acost-effectivefingerprintrecognitionsystemforusew

A combination model for orientation field of fingerprintstsinghua.edu.cn [PDF].pdf
A combination model for orientation field of fingerprintstsinghua.edu.cn [PDF].pdf (2010-04-11, PDF, 755KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] AFDF

Article a comprehensive description of the collaborative communication agreement DF and AF symbol SNR performance, as well as the comparison between the two (2009-01-09, PDF, 950KB, 下载149次)


[图形图像处理] saperate

Source number of dynamic changes of adaptive blind source separation algorithm- a new blind source separation algorithm, and for all to share. (2008-12-28, PDF, 197KB, 下载44次)


[图形图像处理] survey

Image Registration on the good aspects of synthesis, basically all of the registration algorithm are introduced (2008-01-17, PDF, 7647KB, 下载427次)


[图形图像处理] jyxzbdzsysysf

The hands of too many papers are 5 hair download a contribution to the U.S.. SNR-based adaptive image watermarking algorithm. Rar (2007-09-06, PDF, 79KB, 下载6次)


[图形图像处理] weixiaolingjiantuxiangerzhihuachulideyanjiu

gray images made to determine the value of the two best-threshold value of the two methods "bimodal" and "signal-to-noise ratio statistics" and demonstration of the two approaches in micro-size components and configuration error detection of practicality and limitations. (2007-07-06, PDF, 19KB, 下载56次)
