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[WEB开发] zxqy

中小企业如何策划电子商务网站 增强中小企业网页竞争力的要素; 1、找出最受欢迎以及突出的企业产品作为网页的招牌。 2、使客户下订单。 3、使客户容易下订单。 4、网页的架构。 5、加强准客户及现有客户的关系。
How small and medium-sized e-commerce site planning to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized elements of web pages 1, identify the most popular enterprise products, as well as prominent as the sign page. 2, allows customers to place orders. 3, allows customers to easily place orders. 4, the structure of the page. 5, the strengthening of existing customers and prospective customers. (2009-08-11, TEXT, 2KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] birdpeople

modern enterprise talent management complexity high amazing thing, how to manage different colors of the "bird" This paper will be given a reasonable suggestion! (2007-05-15, TEXT, 4KB, 下载5次)
