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[其他书籍] shou_ji_jiesuo

Guinness password to unlock the phone, including the mainstream of the current models, such as Samsung, Motorola, Siemens, Ericsson, Nokia, Philips and so on, there are occasionally people who were locked machine, you can own the solution, do not go for that annoying Customer Service! (2009-04-29, TEXT, 3KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] guoqishenghuo

Novels depict a university student, after graduation to enter the large state-owned enterprises, poor and white, there is no genius intelligence, not brilliant, continuous efforts by him, and constantly run into a wall, grow and make progress in the course of a certain grade to explore the workplace on the go through the trials and temper, and to make changes and adapt to the efforts and miseries. Want to just enter the community, particularly those who have just graduated take part in work, in particular to the state-owned enterprises are to join the young students some help, or there is a ray of spiritual resonance. (2009-03-02, TEXT, 1465KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] 2006computer

This is a knowledge of computers, the book is suitable for everyone as a general reference to properly use the computer, Learning entertainment! (2007-06-19, TEXT, 2952KB, 下载1次)
