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[数值算法/人工智能] Chinese-emotional-words.tar

*这份词表包括23419个汉语情感词。格式为“词语\t极性值” *极性值正负分别代表情感正负,其算法和原理尚未整理成文,谨供各位研究者参考。 *更为成熟的词表和文档将随着研究的跟进逐渐公开。 *有任何指教请跟我联系。 *yuanb10 # mails # tsinghua # edu # cn * ^_^ *清华大学中文系 原博
* The vocabulary includes 23419 Chinese emotional words. The format for " word \ t polarity values ​ ​ of positive and negative polarity values ​ ​ represent the emotions positive and negative, the algorithms and principles have yet to be documented, I would like for the researchers reference. More mature vocabulary and documents with the study follow-up gradually open.* Any advice please contact me.* Yuanb10# mails# tsinghua# edu# cn* ^ _ ^* Tsinghua University Department of Chinese original. (2012-07-20, TEXT, 152KB, 下载27次)
