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[文章/文档] 《Docker 生产环境实践指南》

《Docker 生产环境实践指南》 本书围绕“Docker该如何应用到生产环境”这一核心问题展开。在本书中,读者将接触到多个IT企业应用Docker到生产环境的成功案例,了解Docker实际投产时将会面临的问题,以及它与现有基础设施存在的矛盾与冲突,了解构建Docker生态系统所需的配套设施,包括安全、构建镜像、持续集成/持续交付、镜像存储、配置管理、网络实现、服务发现、持久化存储以及日志监控等模块具体选型方案及利弊所在。本书编写时一些案例参考的Docker版本是Docker 1.6版本或Docker 1.7。
Docker production environment practice guide This book focuses on the core issue of "how to apply docker to production environment". In this book, readers will be exposed to the successful cases of multiple IT enterprises applying docker to the production environment, understand the problems faced by docker when it is actually put into production, as well as the contradictions and conflicts between docker and existing infrastructure, and understand the supporting facilities needed to build the docker ecosystem, including security, building image, continuous integration / continuous delivery, image storage, configuration management, network Implementation, service discovery, persistent storage, log monitoring and other modules specific options and advantages and disadvantages. When writing this book, some cases refer to docker version 1.6 or docker 1.7. (2019-11-15, LINUX, 2462KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] Asterisk-电话未来之路

asterisk教程 Asterisk 是一个开放源代码的软件VoIP PBX系统,它是一个运行在Linux环境下的纯软件实施方案。Asterisk是一种功能非常齐全的应用程序,提供了许多电信功能,能够把你的x86机 器变成你自己的交换机,还能够当作一台企业级的商用交换机。
Asterisk tutorials Asterisk is an open source software VoIP PBX system, which is a pure software implementation running under a Linux environment. Asterisk is a very full-featured application that provides many telecommunication features that can turn your x86 machine into your own switch, and can also be used as an enterprise-class commercial switch. (2018-05-08, LINUX, 2214KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] kali-linux-cn

本书从业务角度出发,通过真实攻击案例并辅之以各种实用的黑客工具,探讨了进行渗透测 试所需的各种准备工序和操作流程。
From a business point of view, this book explores various preparation processes and operation procedures for penetration testing through a real attack case and a variety of practical hacking tools. (2017-12-27, LINUX, 1959KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] eetop.cn_Encounter User Guide(中文完整版)

useguide for encounter (2017-06-16, LINUX, 2860KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] linux device driver

魏永明译的 linux device driver
WEI Yong translation of the Linux device driver (2004-09-26, LINUX, 422KB, 下载72次)
