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[企业管理] zhaoming

Latest national lighting enterprise standard reference for students related to the use of power supply and distribution (2016-04-28, WORD, 267KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] young-employee-turnover-intention-

The high turnover rate of young staff in Call Center has seriously affected the normal work of call center, increased the contact center operating costs, brought difficulty for human resources management of Call Center. At the same time, it also brought certain effect for companies operating. The present study is based on the interview and questionnaires, select a number of staff in FSK to analysis turnover of young staff. The result as follow: Young employee turnover tendency obvious. In the case of the five young employee turnover in the research project, "I might leave units in the next year, the average" option for 3.78.The rate of turnover about young employee are affected by individual factors and organizational factors. Among them, from individual factors, gender, age, the position is an important factor of young staff turnover. From the organization, the impact factor according to consider from high to low arrangement for: work of interpersonal relationship, working environment (2014-05-09, WORD, 32KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] jit69

企业经营的目的是向社会提供产品和服务,同时为企业创造利润。为达到这一目的,企业必须投入人员、材料、设备、资金等资源,并通过对它们的有效使用和优化组合制造出社会所需要的产品。而利润的高低取决于投入和有效产出[ 有效产出是指被顾客或社会所认可和接受的产品或服务。]的比例,即生产效率,班组是使产品增值的基本单元,是提高生产效率的主战场
The purpose of business is to provide products and services to the society, and create profits for the enterprise to achieve this goal, the enterprise must put the equipment into the personnel material capital and other resources, and through the effective use and optimize the combination of them to create social needed products and profits high and low depends on the input and output [effective output refers to by the customer or social recognition and acceptance of products or services], the proportion of the production efficiency, team is the basic unit of the product added value, the main is to improve the production efficiency (2013-11-06, WORD, 170KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] UML

UML软件建模,企业人力资源管理系统miniHRS ,小型虚拟超市管理系统miniVS,图书借阅管理系统miniLib的用例图和类图
UML software modeling, corporate human resources management system miniHRS small the virtual supermarket management system miniVS, miniLib library management system use case diagram and class diagram (2012-10-08, WORD, 329KB, 下载34次)


[企业管理] jisuanjiwangluogongcheng

Conduct this research, and development of Report Designer software, suitable for the development of practical reporting system of Chinese characteristics, promote enterprise and information society, with good practical sense. (2010-06-12, WORD, 746KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] EIMS_BYLW

Enterprise information management system papers, were in need of help for reference, to improve learning efficiency (2010-06-09, WORD, 41KB, 下载22次)


[企业管理] topicsummary.doc

it is a ERP s topic summary,for details (2010-03-31, WORD, 125KB, 下载18次)


[企业管理] renliziyuan

On the Human Resource Accounting in China' s enterprises in the application papers, the accounting of human resources from abroad arising from the main stage of development, China has established the need for human resource accounting, China' s implementation of the feasibility of human resource accounting, human resources, the practical application of accounting, human resources specific accounting practices, and promote human resource accounting in our country' s response to enterprise applications on. (2009-08-11, WORD, 24KB, 下载40次)


[企业管理] HumanResources2Notes

人力资源二级笔记 傅玮 ——未来企业的竞争是学习能力的竞争
Human Resources 2 Notes (2009-05-18, WORD, 161KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] ERP

企业ERP系统建设解决方案 有一定帮助
Enterprise ERP system solutions have helped (2009-04-26, WORD, 23KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] guihua

美好愿望:事业有成,家庭幸福   方 向:企业高级管理人员   总体目标:完成硕士、博士的学习,进入××著名外资企业,成为高层管理者。
Aspiration: successful, well-being of families directions: corporate senior management overall objective: to complete master' s degree or doctorate studies, × × a well-known foreign-funded enterprises to enter and become senior managers. (2009-04-25, WORD, 3KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] 33434

企业上市运作流程与技巧,上市的法宝。看看本书,对你帮助很大 (2007-09-11, WORD, 750KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] manul

一个餐饮企业管理系统的使用手册。 项目介绍: 餐饮企业内部管理系统是与武汉市餐饮企业web平台(江城美食网)相对应的一套涵盖前台经营管理、客户分析、财务管理、库存管理、吧台管理、后台管理6个子系统的餐饮企业内部信息化建设的解决方案。该系统除了具备普通餐饮企业管理的功能之外,实现了于web平台的对接和信息同步,使得江城美食网上的订餐信息能够及时地反馈到餐饮企业内部,以实现利用信息技术、最大程度地提高餐饮企业的运作效率的目的。
an enterprise management system manual. Introduction : Food internal management system and the Wuhan City Food enterprise web platform (Jiangcheng Food Network) corresponding to a set of cover before Taiwan business management, customer analysis, financial management, inventory management, management of the bar, background management of the six sub-systems within the enterprise Food information technology solutions. In addition, the System with ordinary Food enterprise management functions, the realization of the web platform in the docking and information synchronization, Jiangcheng cuisine makes the Internet places the order for the meal to timely information feedback to the catering enterprises to realize the use of information technology, to the greatest extent Food enterprises to impr (2007-06-26, WORD, 2412KB, 下载84次)


[企业管理] BusinessModel

商业模式:企业竞争的最高形态 对有的商业模式的介绍,有借鉴意义。 “管理学大师彼得• 德鲁克说:“当今企业之间的竞争,不是产品之间的竞争,而是商业模式之间的竞争。”   现在你会发现,身边许多人口头上经常出现商业模式、赢利模式这样的话,我也不能免俗,也经常在谈话中说出商业模式、赢利模式。有一天,我突然想搞清楚商业模式的精确定义、内涵、原则,就上网查询,结果是查遍了所有关于商业模式的信息,还是没有结果。我明白了,这是个似乎谁都知道,但谁也说不清楚的问题。”
business model : business competition in the highest form of some of the business model, the improvements. "Management science guru Peter (2007-06-22, WORD, 81KB, 下载12次)


[企业管理] Steel

steel manufacturing process standardization of the quality management system (2007-06-02, WORD, 6415KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] wendang981.zip

Enterprise Management System Management Module wage Design and Implementation of Thesis (2007-05-17, WORD, 159KB, 下载80次)


[企业管理] zwjiang20070228_2

successful RF design must be careful attention to the entire design process every step and every detail, This means that we must begin the design stage will be carried out in a thorough, careful planning, Design steps for each of the comprehensive and sustained progress in the assessment. Such meticulous design skills is the majority of the domestic electronic enterprise culture lack. (2007-02-28, WORD, 7KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] setupCompiere

企业管理系统软件Compiere的安装方法和技巧,from http://www.fgoo.com/ Allen编辑,整理)。
enterprise management system software Compiere installation methods and techniques, from http://www.fgoo.com/ Allen editing, collating). (2006-03-28, WORD, 6KB, 下载14次)


[企业管理] CompiereERP

Compiere user manual for SMEs in the various aspects of the function. And all the functions are very good together, and very easy to operate. (2006-03-28, WORD, 2814KB, 下载45次)


[企业管理] 动态股权激励模型对按股分配缺陷的修正

the failure of many enterprises is not due to technical reasons, but management of the reasons, let us explore together. (2005-11-17, WORD, 10KB, 下载6次)
