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[GIS/地图编程] Skyline-document(CN)

Skyline development chinese document (2013-08-01, WORD, 496KB, 下载12次)


[GIS/地图编程] DWGandDEM

一篇文章,利用DWG格式地形图建立城DEM, 利用VBA 语言编程,提取离散高程点及其高程注记,并将高程点与高程注记匹配存储 对等高线进行有效的离散化,提取等高线的高程信息.而后将提取的高程数据在ArcGIS以三维可视化的人机交互的方式剔除粗差,最后生成DEM.
an article, the use of topographical maps DWG format established City DEM using VBA programming language. Elevation extract discrete points and elevation Note, and elevation and elevation point Note matching storage right contour effective discrete, Extracting the elevation contour information. and after extraction of elevation data to the ArcGIS 3D visualization of Human-Computer Interaction way removed gross error, the last generation DEM. (2006-10-12, WORD, 92KB, 下载114次)
