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[软件工程] zhiliangruanjianguan

In order to make the software has a sustained and stable quality, we have to produce software and provide services to the process control. However, if there is no reliable information on a process of sustained and consistent control of the land impossible. Through the steps, hoping to play a role in attracting valuable opinions, the practical implementation of the CMM software enterprises, we can according to their actual situation and specific requirements to be applied. (2009-09-03, WORD, 8KB, 下载3次)


[软件工程] CMM

Neusoft on different software focuses on the process of practical experience. These practices to SW-CMM Theory as our guide through the pilot project testing, Neusoft has been promoting. At present, Neusoft has set up, including project management, software engineering and organizational management and other aspects of the standard software process. Through the steps, hoping to play a role in attracting valuable opinions, the practical implementation of the CMM software enterprises, we can according to their actual situation and specific requirements to be applied. (2009-09-03, WORD, 46KB, 下载13次)


[软件工程] qitwshishiCMM

Vast majority of the domestic software enterprises are now in the initial stages of CMM, there is no foundation and experience. In the implementation of CMM process, often feel confused and I do not know where to start with. This article discusses the implementation of CMM software enterprises or through the CMM assessment must go through the steps, hoping to play a role in attracting valuable opinions, the practical implementation of the CMM software enterprises, we can according to their actual situation and specific requirements to be applied. (2009-09-03, WORD, 10KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] technologyman

Technical management of documents, to facilitate information management staff how to manage the technological innovation of enterprises (2008-12-21, WORD, 25KB, 下载9次)
