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[Linux/Unix编程] IPPBX

IPPBX技术的应用 随着使用IPPBX技术不断成熟,企业及个人用户对使用IPPBX(或其他相类似的产品)的接受程度越来越高,因IPPBX通信在企业通话这一块的不断增长,同时带来了不少的商机。正是基于这样的背景与环境,产生了基于软件的IPPBX技术正在小企业中成了一种可替代传统PBX的新产品,正适合于小型和中等规模的公司使用
IPPBX technology with the use of technology continues to mature IPPBX, enterprises and individual users on the use of IPPBX (or other similar products) is becoming more accepted, because IPPBX communication in the enterprise call this a growing and at the same time bring a lot of business opportunities. It is against this background and the environment, and produced a software-based IPPBX technologies are small enterprises has become a new alternative to traditional PBX products, is suitable for small and medium-sized companies to use (2008-02-22, WORD, 5KB, 下载8次)
