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[其他] wordpress-4.7-zh_CN

WordPress是一种使用PHP语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL数据库的服务器上架设属于自己的网站。也可以把 WordPress当作一个内容管理系统
WordPress is a blogging platform, using PHP language development, user can support PHP and MySQL database server, set up their own web sites. Can also put the WordPress as a content management system (2017-07-20, WORD, 8974KB, 下载1次)


[其他] signal_noise_ratio

Commonly used MATLAB signal noise ratio of the use of the method, it is classic. (2016-09-14, WORD, 47KB, 下载1次)


[其他] C778Ed01

In this paper, a novel Nero-Fuzzy controller based autonomous underwater controller for UN_UND_VHs (unmanned underwater vehicles) is described. The research describes a Nero- fuzzy controller as basic tasks to be accomplished of handling of motion coordination between the vehicle and the discoverer to successfully execute the manipulation task. A numerical case study is developed to demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed technique. The result of chip design is a chip in an area less than 0.56mm^2. The speed is 3420MFILIPS.
In this paper, a novel Nero-Fuzzy controller based autonomous underwater controller for UN_UND_VHs (unmanned underwater vehicles) is described. The research describes a Nero- fuzzy controller as basic tasks to be accomplished of handling of motion coordination between the vehicle and the discoverer to successfully execute the manipulation task. A numerical case study is developed to demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed technique. The result of chip design is a chip in an area less than 0.56mm^2. The speed is 3420MFILIPS. (2012-04-18, WORD, 902KB, 下载13次)


[其他] communication

企业名录-通信行业篇 介绍当前通信业界的著名行业,以及解析未来发展。
Business Directory- articles on current communications industry communications industry, leading industries, and resolve future development. (2010-10-03, WORD, 1731KB, 下载8次)


[其他] DocumentAboutWebSite

Online collection of some of the website construction, project planning programs such as books, a total of 238 copies, packaged to those who need to download the program' s value is useful to people for the purpose of sharing resources, from any disputes arising from these documents and responsibilities, Please be responsible! (2009-08-26, WORD, 37071KB, 下载41次)


[其他] MESandISA

Many international organizations have the function of the MES give a specific definition, and also have developed a corresponding model, used to describe this type of software systems and standardization. At MESA (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association) give the model, ISA-95 standard definition of the MES system integration of the terms used and models. (2009-04-02, WORD, 40KB, 下载4次)


[其他] ADS1.2-cn-en

ARM core integrated development tool for microcontrollers-ADS1.2 tutorials in English and Chinese. (2008-09-05, WORD, 354KB, 下载2次)


[其他] cdt

循环式远动规约 1.主题内容与适用范围 本标准规定了电网数据采集与监控系统中循环式远动规约的功能、帧结构、信息字结构和传输规则等。 本标准适用于点对点的远动通道结构及以循环字节同步方式传送远动设备与系统。本标准还适用于调度所间以循环式远动规约转发实时信息的系统。 2. 引用标准 国家标准:《地区电网数据采集与监控系统通用技术条件》和《远动终端通用技术条件》。 3. 一般技术要求 3.1本规约采用可变帧长度、多种帧类别循环传送、变位遥信优先传送, 重要遥测量更新循环时间较短,区分循环量、随机量和插入量采用不同形式传送信息,以满足电网调度安全监控系统对远动信息的实时性和可靠性的要求。
err (2008-08-19, WORD, 143KB, 下载11次)


[其他] real_estate

摘 要:《物权法》以物的归属与利用为调整对象,其中大部分内容是涉及不动产的,不动产主要是房地产,因此《物权法》的很多规定都涉及到房地产,与房地产的开发、销售、管理过程有密切的关系。那么《物权法》的颁布对房地产市场将带来什么样的影响呢?房地产市场规模将逐渐扩大,房地产企业竞争将趋激烈,《物权法》的颁布是否将会带来房地产市场有序发展呢? 关键词:物权法、房地产法、房地产市场、影响
Abstract: (2008-04-01, WORD, 8KB, 下载2次)



EMC engineers need to possess those skills? Products from the enterprise need for the design, the rectification process of certification, EMC engineers must possess the following eight skills (2007-11-14, WORD, 556KB, 下载16次)


[其他] 5and6Chap

Fan letter version of the "Communication Theory" Exercise answer after school, learn good communication Wanton. This is the fifth chapter and Chapter VI. (2006-04-10, WORD, 483KB, 下载79次)


[其他] 三九企业的组织设计与变革

classic case of management analysis and analytic (2005-03-02, WORD, 285KB, 下载9次)
