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[数据库编程] 1

Database design specifications of enterprise competitors in the electronic monitoring system (database structure). (2012-11-22, WORD, 9KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] SQL.design.enterprise.network.Papers

SQL企业网络开发与设计论文,完整版毕业设计的童鞋可以下载 SQL development and design of enterprise network Papers
SQL development and design of enterprise network Papers (2010-12-06, WORD, 287KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] qiye

Database of corporate personnel management papers, very practical, complete set with (2010-04-13, WORD, 1138KB, 下载10次)


[数据库编程] 20110203161040613641

Information technology for enterprise development has provided opportunities and challenges. How to improve the internal management mechanism, fair, objective, comprehensive, and quick assessment of employee performance, the realization of people-oriented business strategy to improve the efficiency of personnel management, so that personnel administrators to have more energy to do human resources analysis, research and development work, is the enterprise based on development, ushering in the future, leading the industry key. This paper describes the formation of a personnel management system, the entire process, including the part of the presentation. (2009-09-06, WORD, 182KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] database

The document is in the finishing-line database of basic knowledge and enterprises face recruitment questions. (2009-05-12, WORD, 56KB, 下载6次)
