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[技术管理] redhat-linux5

红帽子企业版5.4 安装教程,最稳定的版本,初学者必看的教程。
Red Hat Enterprise Edition 5.4 Installation Guide, the most stable version, beginners Watchable tutorial. (2013-08-17, WORD, 1026KB, 下载5次)


[技术管理] Juniper_SSG-5(NS-5GT)2kMnK

Juniper_SSG-5(NS-5GT)2kMnK 小企业级防火墙NS-5GT管理手册
Juniper_SSG-5 (NS-5GT) 2kMnK 5GT Management Manual (2012-11-01, WORD, 6373KB, 下载3次)


[技术管理] 4

For the majority of power supply enterprises, the level of user power factor, is directly related to the power loss and power loss in the power grid, related to the voltage of the power supply line losses and voltage fluctuations, but also to save energy and supply area for electric quality, this is a well-known truth. Improve the power factor of the power system, the power industry has become an important topic. Briefly several practical approach focuses on the main factors affecting the grid power factor and low voltage reactive compensation, and determine the reactive power compensation capacity of the general method to improve the power factor of power system. (2012-09-13, WORD, 11KB, 下载14次)


[技术管理] ERP

In this article I argue that the organizational involvement of large scale information technology packages, such as those known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), has important implications that go far beyond the acknowledged effects of keeping the organizational operations accountable and integrated across functions and production sites. My claim is that ERP packages are predicated upon an understanding of human agency as a procedural affair and of organizations as an extended series of functional or cross-functional transactions. Accordingly, the massive introduction of ERP packages to organizations is bound to have serious implications that precisely recount the procedural forms by which such packages instrument organizational operations and fashion organizational roles. The conception of human agency and organizational operations in procedural terms may seem reasonable yet it recounts a very specific and, in a sense, limited understanding of humans and organizations. The disti (2012-05-03, WORD, 83KB, 下载3次)


[技术管理] 46Interview

This Word document collection of nearly 46 enterprises in the electronics industry interviews written content, covering hardware and software aspects of the electronics industry (2010-04-16, WORD, 34KB, 下载47次)


[技术管理] embeddedthinking

some thinking about embedded (2009-12-20, WORD, 5KB, 下载6次)


[技术管理] 20081124

Rui Jie simple intranet network configuration examples- on how to use sharp McNair (2008-11-24, WORD, 56KB, 下载2次)


[技术管理] bumenkaohe

Grass-roots assessment of a program like to share with you the state-owned large and medium-sized businesses how to carry out assessment, I hope everybody do so. (2008-09-03, WORD, 6KB, 下载30次)


[技术管理] manage_of_enterprise

Enterprises from more than the pursuit of large diversified economy, the biggest problem is that treatment and choice of strategy. (2008-04-01, WORD, 13KB, 下载1次)


[技术管理] 500

The world (2008-03-30, WORD, 5KB, 下载4次)
