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[iPhone/iOS] Varsity-Plug

统一的市场应用程序。#Varsity Plug由Expo React Native构建,是学生、员工和企业家在Unie社区内无缝交换商品和服务的集中平台。#目前在iOS和Android上可用,正在提供web支持。
A unified marketplace app.# Built with Expo React Native, Varsity Plug serves as a centralized platform for students, staff, and entrepreneurs to seamlessly exchange goods and services within the Unie community. # Currently available on iOS and Android, with web support in the works. (2024-05-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] react-gsap-threejs-apple-clone

苹果iPhone 15 Pro网站的娱乐。该项目使用GSAP动画和Three.js实现3D效果。
Recreation of the Applie iPhone 15 Pro website. This project uses GSAP animations and Three.js for 3D effects. (2024-03-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] iphone-6-screen-cn

翻译iPhone 6屏幕揭秘
Translation iPhone 6 screen demystified (2014-09-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
