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[Docker] Huong-Hua-Co-Website

Huong Hua Co.,Ltd.的官方网站由Django、React和Vue.js构建,具有流畅的用户界面、关于我们服务的全面详细信息、我们的工作组合、客户推荐等。我们已经决定让这个开源来帮助其他企业创建他们的在线存在!
Built with Django, React, and Vue.js, the official website of Huong Hua Co., Ltd. features a sleek UI, comprehensive details about our services, a portfolio of our work, client testimonials, and more. We ve decided to make this open-source to help other businesses with creating their online presence! (2024-04-25, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] Modern-Pre-Order

Shopify App with Pre Order, Coming Soon and Request for Stock feature. While a stock will be zero then client will be able to take pre order. So, it will help his business with not losing customer for stock. (2024-04-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] HRFlow

HR Flow是一个尖端的人力资源信息系统(HRIS),旨在彻底改变人力资源专业人员和员工在不断发展的企业环境中与数据交互的方式。
HR Flow is a cutting-edge Human Resource Information System (HRIS) designed to revolutionize the way HR professionals and employees interact with data in the ever-evolving corporate landscape. (2023-12-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] PayTrac

Paytrac streamlines payment processes for small businesses with our user-friendly platform. Manages client profiles, track transactions, and receive real-time alerts for unpaid invoices. (2023-11-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] react-enterprise-starter-kit

高度可扩展的Awesome React Starter Kit,用于企业应用程序,具有非常容易维护的代码库。
Highly Scalable Awesome React Starter Kit for an enterprise application with a very easy maintainable codebase. (2023-04-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] nsolid-kubernetes

Using N|Solid, the Enterprise Node Platform from NodeSource with Kubernetes (2020-11-07, JavaScript, 845KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] OpenAuth

.Net权限管理及快速开发框架、最好用的权限工作流系统。源于Martin Fowler企业级应用开发思想及最新技术组合(IdentityServer、EF、Quartz、AutoFac、WebAPI、Swagger、Mock、NUni...
. Net permission management and rapid development framework, the best permission workflow system. Originated from Martin Fowler s enterprise application development ideas and the latest technology portfolio (IdentityServer, EF, Quartz, AutoFace, WebAPI, Swagger, Mock, NUni (2022-12-08, JavaScript, 7202KB, 下载0次)
