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[系统设计方案] ic_client

Ask2Me-ICenter is designed for business users of customer service solutions. Relying on the huge user base Ask2Me for enterprise customers to provide comprehensive information exchange platform to promote products and services. (2016-08-12, ASP, 57KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] planofwebsit

Site plan extension programs, a number of different types of enterprise e-business Web site-building programs, extension programs, planning books (2010-03-05, ASP, 6225KB, 下载33次)


[系统设计方案] lunwen

In this paper, a structured method of design and development of the Personnel Management Information System, the system has a system of management, staff management, attendance management, wage management, staff interaction and system maintenance features, use of computer technology to achieve the management of scientific personnel. The system has a good graphical interface, simple operation, individuals can easily preview the file information, quick printing, statistical information, in addition to the system also provides the staff and leadership of a direct contact between the interactive platform of improving their mutual relations, to improve the efficiency of personnel management. (2009-04-22, ASP, 530KB, 下载16次)


[系统设计方案] Websitedesigncurriculum

Today, the rapid development of modern society, after-sales service for enterprise customers are most concerned about aspects of the client resources are the valuable wealth of enterprises, how to provide better services to customers of every business are very concerned about the problem. After-sales service management system for enterprises to provide effective customer service management, records of customer questions, suggestions and trends, which is a modern enterprise is very important. (2009-03-11, ASP, 1501KB, 下载15次)


[系统设计方案] 2238.cn_2006827224736300

From the first time, please exhibitions (2009-01-25, ASP, 114KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] 1

随着经济全球一体化时代的到来,企业的发展不再仅限于技术的竟争,市场的竟争,更重要的是人才的竟争。企业在发展过程中,除了要维护好和客户的关系,掌握先进的行业生产技术,还必须拥有一批本领域中具有相当才能的工作人员,才能在信息时代的经济浪潮中立于不败之地。人才是企、事业单位的宝贵财富,是人力资源管理的核心。吸引人才,留住人才成为企业人力资源管理的一个重要课题。 要想留住人才不仅需要企业具有良好的发展前景,更重要的是企业要有一个相当健全的管理制。良好的管理体制,不仅能节省大量的企业人力物力,提高企业的经济效益,更重要能够帮助企业制订计划,按照一个良好的方向发展。人才的引入给企业的发展注入的新鲜的血液,带动了企业一系列新的发展变化。通过应用人力资源管理系统能够集中对企业人事工作进行管理,不单单使得人力资源管理人员摆脱繁重的日常工作,更为重要的是能够根据员工个人能力对其岗位进行调动,充分发挥员工自身的能力,为企业的带来更大的经济利益。因此,快捷、准确、方便、高效的人力资源管理系统是企、事业单位的基本需求之一。
err (2008-03-01, ASP, 2504KB, 下载15次)


[系统设计方案] 365874

a complete enterprise establishment of the station in ASP source, as long as the establishment of the station will be typing (2006-07-07, ASP, 1879KB, 下载34次)


[系统设计方案] 沈阳黄页业务管理系统开发报告

本系统主要以沈阳黄页业务管理为基本要求,主要功能包括:1. 业务员及业务经理权限的设定。2. 业务员部门的划分。3. 业务员在线录入信息。4. 企业公告版。5. 站内短信留言。
mainly to the system in Shenyang Yellow Pages business management as the basic requirements, main functions include : 1. Clerks and business manager of the authority set. 2. The clerk division. 3. Information online entry clerk. 4. Business bulletin boards. 5. Station SMS messages. (2005-04-06, ASP, 563KB, 下载17次)
