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[教育系统应用] asprain_1.3

Asprain is suitable for primary and secondary schools, secondary school, technical school, vocational school campus forum, forum for the exchange of teachers and students, some of the teaching and research departments, companies building internal forum, IT technology enthusiasts building technology exchange forum free forum program. It has two versions, namely asp+ Access version and asp+ sqlServer version, function exactly the same station can use different versions according to their needs. (2016-05-16, ASP, 3602KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] ISchool1.3

程序定位于学校或企业单位进行非严格要求的随机抽题考试,系统采用考试项目数据库独立方式,虽采用了ACCESS数据库,但能支持长期的考试要求,至少能支撑2000次以上5000人规模的在线考试任务。 标准授权版在免费版基础上增加了部分功能,支持判断题、单选题、多选题、填空题、简答题、操作题六种题型,填空题可选自动评分或手动评分,支持班级化考生管理,支持分教师发布考试,今后会更新更多的考试功能。
ISchool random question exam system 1.3 (2015-11-15, ASP, 370KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Customer_v1.2

School Worry customer information management system is a simple customer information management system, customer-focused, scientific management and information technology together, to achieve unified management of customer information. System applicable to enterprises, companies, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions (2015-08-14, ASP, 697KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] examination-system

ISchool random position examination system in school or business units to non random question test strict requirements, system test project using a independent way, although the use of the ACCESS , but the examination requirements to support long-term, at least you can support more than 2000 times the size of 5000 people (non simultaneous examination) of the online exam tasks. (2014-12-02, ASP, 275KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] ag7.cn

LL V4.0图书馆自动化管理系统为在图书馆工作多年的工作人员编写,该软件完全适合中小型图书馆应用,符合中国图书馆分类法第五版标准。功能完善,符合馆员的操作习惯与工作流程。
LL V4.0 library automation management system written for many years in the library staff, the software is completely suitable for small and medium-sized library applications, in line with the standards of the fifth edition of the Chinese Library Classification. Perfect function, in line with the librarians accustomed to the operation and workflow. (2013-04-24, ASP, 728KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] program

The management system of enterprises, graduates, teachers, three teachers query, delete, modify, and more! ! (2012-10-25, ASP, 1597KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] hohiexamtest-111231

在线考试系统是目前市场上最畅销的远程网络考试系统,适合政府、 医疗及企业的各种形式在线考试、竞赛、练习等应用,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。该系统采用新一代纯B/S架构,用于INTERNET和局域网在线考试,可以承载大规模在线考试的需求,而且对服务器的配置要求非常低,客户端不用任何设置。通过强大的后台设置功能,用户可以根据自身需要设定考试功能,几乎能满足企业、政府机构、教育单位的所有需求
The online examination system is currently on the market' s best-selling remote network test system suitable for examinations, competitions, exercises of various forms of government, medical and business applications, the full realization of the examinations of network-based, paperless automation. The system uses a new generation of pure B/S structure for the online examination of the INTERNET and LAN, and can host large-scale online exam requirements and server configuration requirements are very low, clients do not have any settings. Strong background settings according to their own need to set the exam, almost able to meet all the needs of enterprises, government agencies, educational institutions (2012-06-15, ASP, 11181KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] tushu

鑫鑫图书馆管理系统是一款专业的图书馆管理软件,其中包含读者信管理,图书管理,图书借还,系统查询,图书馆信息等模块。 具有非常方便的借书、还书等操作。 普通用户不需培训也能很快上手。适用于单位企业图书馆,学校图书馆,是针对图书租借机构的最新管理软件, 是您进行图书管理信息化的强大工具。 界面美观华丽,功能强大,上手简单。 计算机化管理,使库存不再是糊涂帐。 强大的报表功能,让您随时了解图书馆的各种情况。 独创关联数据模式,让所有查询都简单方便。 为图书馆管理量身定制,使繁锁的业务管理变得方便明晰,有效提高工作效率。 功能强大,使业务全程实现信息化管理。
The Xinxin Library Management System is a professional library management software, which contains readers letter management, library management, library circulation system query, library information, and other modules. Very convenient library, books and other operations. The ordinary users do not need training can get started quickly. Applicable to the unit Enterprise Library, school libraries, the latest management software for book rental agencies, You a powerful tool for library management information. The interface is beautiful and gorgeous, powerful, simple to get started. Computerized management, inventory is no longer a mess. Powerful reporting feature that allows you to keep abreast of the various situations of the Library. Original associated data model, so that all queries are simple and convenient. Tailor-made for library management, cumbersome business management to facilitate clarity, improve work efficiency. Powerful of their business, the entire information m (2012-05-16, ASP, 3046KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] LoveKaoExam

系统功能介绍 管理员: 添加账户:教师(主管),学生(员工) 管理账户:修改,删除 添加班级(部门) 管理班级(部门):修改,删除 Excel批量导入学生(员工) 导出学生(员工)到Excel 环境配置:可选择学校或企业
System Administrator Features: Add Account: Teacher (in charge), students (staff) management accounts: modify, delete, add class (sector) management classes (departments): modify, delete, batch import Excel students (employees) to export students (employees) to the Excel environment configuration: choose the school or business (2011-04-13, ASP, 11508KB, 下载11次)


[教育系统应用] 20090701164302776

科研信息管理系统是基金机构,大学,研究机构,企业之间点对点的解决方案, 支持项目申请、项目管理和成果发布的整个流程。
Research Information Management System is the funding agencies, universities, research institutions, enterprises point to point solutions to support the project application, project management and the results published the entire process. (2010-05-27, ASP, 3400KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] ischoolexam

The program targeted at school or business units of the stringent requirements of non-random question test, system test project using a database independent manner, although the use of the ACCESS database, but will support long-term examination requirements, at least you can support more than 2000 times the scale of 5000 Online Examination task. (2010-05-19, ASP, 299KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] xinxintushuguanlixitong

鑫鑫图书馆管理系统是一款专业的图书馆管理软件,其中包含读者信管理,图书管理,图书借还,系统查询,图书馆信息等模块。 具有非常方便的借书、还书等操作。 普通用户不需培训也能很快上手。适用于单位企业图书馆,学校图书馆,是针对图书租借机构的最新管理软件, 是您进行图书管理信息化的强大工具。
Xinxin library management system is a professional library management software, including reader letter management, library management, library circulation, system inquiry, library information and other modules. The library has a very convenient, but also books and other operations. Ordinary users can quickly get started without training. Enterprise Library for the unit, the school library, book loan institutions for the latest management software, is the Book you are a powerful tool for managing information. (2010-05-12, ASP, 1812KB, 下载16次)


[教育系统应用] 003

毕业论文《某高校工资管理系统的设计与实现》。15000多字 正版论文 价值连城。。
This system development is based on the B/S structure it uses the ASP programming language and SQL Server 2000 database to carry on the development. Firstly, this paper introduces briefly the system environment of development, operating platform, ASP programming, database, and analyzes the demands of this system in detail. Secondly, the design plan and the concrete realization of this system are provided, and the frame of this system is realized. The main functions of this system include wage system management, information inquiry, information management and maintenance module. Finally, by the testing and analyzing, it shows this system is stable, reliable, and has the certain practical value. (2010-05-08, ASP, 290KB, 下载14次)


[教育系统应用] youjiangd

主要功能介绍 ⒈ 对订阅的信件发送确认密码,只有在确认信中激活后才把邮箱记入数据库,以保证订阅邮箱的有效性 ⒉ 支持HTML信件、发送附件、抄送、暗送、匿名发送 ....... ⒊ 支持像网易、新浪等免费邮件网站发送信件时自动插入广告的功能! ⒋ 支持在线自定义欢迎信息、确认信内容、退订信息、签名等内容 ⒌ 支持群组发送与单独发送 ⒍ 支持手工添加电子邮箱地址,批量用户管理 ⒎ 支持自动变量替换,方便创建个性电子杂志 ⒏ 兼容性强!支持JMAIL、ASPEMAIL、ASPMAIL、CDONTS 组件,以及 WEBEASYMAIL和CMAILSERVER 邮局 ⒐ 安全性高!使用与招商银行、腾讯QQ一样的的随机码登陆 ⒑ 支持需要认证的ESMTP邮件服务器 ⒒ 支持自动历史记录 ,电子杂志的好帮手 ⒓ 支持邮件发送等级的设置 ⒔ 支持无组件上传附件* ⒕ 支持.txt文本文件邮件地址发送与导入* ⒖ 支持.txt本本文件地址库直接发送邮件* ⒗ 自动记录群发历史邮件 ⒘ 支持分组邮件发送,再多的地址也不会超时 ⒙ 支持多线程发送,发送速度非其他程序可比
Mail System (2009-09-18, ASP, 111KB, 下载14次)


[教育系统应用] esst_cn_ExamSystem

网络考试系统 系统基于 .NET 框架开发,使用前请确认电脑里是否已安装 .NET 框架组件及数据访问组件。 相关组件请到 http://www.esst.cn 下载。
Network system is based on the examination system. NET framework for development, before use Make sure your computer has been installed. NET Framework components and data access components. Go to download http://www.esst.cn associated components. (2008-08-03, ASP, 4172KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] j_9638_wyx

企业实验室信息管理系统 企业实验室比较实用的信息系统
Enterprise Laboratory Information Management System more practical enterprise laboratory information system (2007-11-03, ASP, 729KB, 下载15次)


[教育系统应用] schoolnews

这是我根据动网新闻核心自行设计的校园新闻系统,曾或得江苏省大学生软件设计大赛2等奖。主要应用于校园内各学院和部门的新闻采集,提交和发布完全在线化。具体使用方法为由校园新闻网站给各学院和部门发放专有帐号和权限,实现对其所管理版块内容的更新。校新闻网站超级管理员负责新闻的审核和发布工作。首页和各下级页面样式可以通过模板来更改,方便网站的版面更换。还具有上传附件,文章评论,浏览量统计等功能接口,下载后便可直接应用于大学和其他类似部门的新闻采集和发布工作。网站示例请参考http://xcb.cumt.edu.cn:85/index.asp 由于版权原因,本人只提供后台全部代码,前台用了一个简单的页面来演示输出功能。 超级管理员帐号1:admin 密码:admin 超级管理员帐号2:1 密码:1
based news website design the core of campus information system, or have students in Jiangsu Province Software Design Competition Prize 2. The main campus for the colleges and departments of news gathering, the submission and publication of entirely online. The specific use of the campus grounds to the news website colleges and departments paid proprietary account and authority to achieve its management by the content of the front-page update. School administrators news website super news for the examination and publication work. Home page and the lower forms through the template to change the layout of the site to facilitate the replacement. The annex also has uploaded, the article comments, statistics hits functional interface can be downloaded directly applied to the universities and ot (2006-03-14, ASP, 3144KB, 下载120次)


[教育系统应用] 学生在线考试系统

这个东东是在一个网上有原码。属于改进版。其中90%是我加上 去的原来只有在线答题,后来由我加上了后台管理。能出题,改 题,册题,添加考生,自动判分,在线查分。
Wanton in the Internet is a source. To improve the version. 90% of which is added to the original only online questionnaires, then I added the management background. The topic can be, and that changed, and that list, add the candidates, automatic judgment, online check points. (2005-05-01, ASP, 19KB, 下载449次)


[教育系统应用] 学生管理系统V1.0版

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 该程序由2001计算机信息管理系应田丰开发 本程序学历文凭考试相关流程编写,无任何抄袭代码和盗版之嫌,大家可下载随意修改 苦儿声明: 本程序是老苦自己辛苦写成的,希望大家能给个面子保留著作权信息,:) 这个是第一个版本,有些地方没有考虑到,请大家在试用后给些意见,我好继续编写改进版 苦儿QQ:3431788 7551860 MSN:kuer_cn@msn.com Email:simonying@163.com 电话:0571-63413694 移动电话:13083973989 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 对了,输入时的验证大家自己改一下吧,反正都是JS写的,网上多的是,这个版本赶时间的,所以我 美工也是随便做了一下,一些验证之类的还没有加上,等全部成形了我会再上传一个完全版,:) 浙江新世纪经贸专修学院学生管理系统V1.0版 开发说明书 本程序基于本学院实际学生管理运作情况编写,完全自主开发,仅限浙江新世纪经贸专修学院内部使用,如有使用需求,请先征得作者同意。 目 录 第一章:系统说明 第二章:程序功能 第三章:程序流程图
--------------------------------------------- the program by 2001 the computer information management system should Tianfeng development of the procedures related to academic diploma examinations the preparation process, no copying code and suspected piracy, we can download free revision followed a statement : This procedure is old suffer hard written, I hope, we can give face-to retain the copyright information :) This is the first version, in some places not considered, we tested to these views, I am prepared to continue to improve the version of crazy QQ : 3431788 7551860 MSN : kuer_cn@msn.com Email : simonying@163.com Beach has-63413694 Mobile : 13083973989------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rig (2005-03-21, ASP, 173KB, 下载81次)
