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[邮电通讯系统] Esms2005

企业网站管理系统 2005 Build 1024 封装版 企业网站管理系统 v2005 封装版 Build 1018更新: 1、更新组件 2、去掉所有模板标签中所有的“Page="{NowPage}"” 3、除了“Include/EsmsConfig.Asp”文件和数据库及模板目录,其它的全部用新版覆盖。 4、数据库中“Products”表中增加两个字段,分别是:“CnProMaterial”和“EnProMaterial”,都是文本型,字段大小默认就行。 5、模板ProductsView.html中增加“使用材料:{ProductsMaterial}”标签 Build 1024更新: 改写30%组件代码,并修正了几处已知BUG,一定程度上提高了性能及安全性 管理路经:Admin_Login.Asp 初始账号:admin 初始密码:admin
Enterprise Management System website Build 1,024 2,005 Packaging Enterprise Edition v2005 Site Management System Build Packaging Edition 1018 Update : an update two components, all the templates removed all the labels "Page =") (NowPage "" 3, in addition to "Include/EsmsConfig.Asp "document templates and databases and directories, with all the other new coverage. 4, the database "Products" table, two additional fields, namely : "CnProMaterial" and "EnProMaterial" are text-based, field trip on the size of the default. 5, template ProductsView.html added, "the use of material : () ProductsMaterial" label Build 1024 Update : 30% of components rewrite code, and amendments to the several known BUG, to some extent, improve t (2005-10-27, ASP, 1050KB, 下载20次)
