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[家庭/个人应用] 103244859caiwuguanlixitong

caiwu (2010-09-14, ASP, 131KB, 下载2次)


[家庭/个人应用] NB文章系统

改进及新特性: 1、调整模版编辑时的流程及提示语言 2、新增sitemaps生成功能 3、优化评论页面的显示格式 BUG修正: 1、getarticlelist标签对于现有参数提示错误 2、企业版后台文章管理中查看当日文章错误 3、发布文章时对关键字的长度判断错误 4、编辑投票后前台查看及投票均出错 5、编辑“会员列表”及“图片列表”页模版,提交后
improvements and new features : one, adjusting the template editing process and suggested two languages, the new generation sitemaps three functions, optimizing the comments pages of display format BUG amendments : one, getarticlelist labeling for existing parameters suggest two errors, Enterprise Edition management background article the same day the article View mistake 3, publishing articles on the length of the keyword four errors of judgment, editing prospects look after voting and vote were five errors, edit "Member List" and "Photo List" page templates submitted (2005-12-16, ASP, 2392KB, 下载3次)
