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[其他小程序] erp

Enterprise Personnel Management System, including the head office and branch points, database ACCESS (2010-01-14, ASP, 153KB, 下载14次)


[其他小程序] smartweb.v2

从此为你降低高昂的建站费用 --- 你的网站,你做主! 简单 易用 SEO 模版切换 一切因你而变~ SmartWeb V2.0企业智能建站系统前台更新的内容包括: 1. 幻灯片的更新,后台新加宽度,高度! 后台管理 -> 系统管理 -> 网站信息 2. 产品分类系列删除拥有子类的大类链接, 并新加子标签 详见 这里 3. 所有产品必须属于子栏目,否则前台将无法正常显示, 如需要大类也能显示所加入的产品或新闻的话,请参考论坛 http://bbs.lashsoft.cn/viewthread.php?tid=44&extra=page 3D1 感谢 muxiu 提供修改方法, 官方稍后也会提供一个方法,但不会作为Sw的更新方法! SmartWeb V2.0企业智能建站系统后台更新的内容包括: 1. 重新排列后台栏目 2. 修改幻灯的展示形式 3. 增加数据库的在线备份 4. 增加产品,新闻的关键词管理 5. Google地图的生成 6. Meta信息功能,简单SEO 7. 后台增加那什软件最新信息展示 8. 不同类别新闻演示标签代码生成 后台进入地址:/admin/login.asp 后台帐号:admin 后台密码:123456
Since then, for you to reduce the high cost of Jianzhan--- your site, you call the shots! Easy to use SEO template switching everything changed because of you ~ SmartWeb V2.0 Enterprise Intelligence Station system front updated content includes: 1. Slide updates, background Added width, height! Admin- "System Management-" Web site information 2. Products Series to delete categories have sub-class link and see where the new sub-tab added 3. All products must belong to the sub-columns, otherwise the front will not display properly, If you need major categories can be displayed by adding the products or information, please refer to the Forum http://bbs.lashsoft.cn/viewthread.php?tid=44&extra=page 3D1 Thank muxiu provide modification method, the official will later provide a method, but not as a means of updating Sw! SmartWeb V2.0 Enterprise Intelligence Station system background update include: 1. Reorder the background section 2. Modify the form of slide pre (2009-09-30, ASP, 1674KB, 下载7次)


[其他小程序] panpao

Domestic IT | Local Information | International Information | sports themes | Entertainment | My Story | IT Information | Automotive Information | Emotional Theater | Video clips | fashion forefront | online games | pop music (2009-06-27, ASP, 7708KB, 下载39次)
