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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(2) 
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[Linux/Unix编程] 5kcrm_0.5.5

Wukong CRM is a customer relationship management system software which adapt Windows, linux and other operating system that supports Apache, Nginx, IIs variety of server software. Wukong CRM is committed to promoting the development of SMEs to make better and more useful software, the use of free open-source way to share technology and experience. (2016-05-06, ASP, 5479KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ipkill

Csmail is Beijing, superscript- based mail system developed on Linux systems, business users are looking forward to a new generation of high-capacity, high security, high reliability, high stability, high scalable messaging system, CSmail fill mail number of gaps in the field of industry, to meet the needs of many medium and large enterprises and institutions. (2016-04-25, ASP, 15KB, 下载1次)
