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[文章/文档] EmployeeWelFare4444445

员工福利信息登记系统的意义 我国的福利包括社会福利和员工福利两个部分,社会福利是指国家为所有社会成员提高物质、文化生活采取一系列必要措施。员工福利是指企业为本单位的员工为解决共同的消费需要而采取的必要保障。
Employee benefits information system, the significance of registration of our country s welfare including social welfare and employee benefits in two parts, social welfare refers to the country for all members of society to improve the material and cultural life has adopted a series of necessary measures. Employee benefits is an enterprise-based unit of employees for solutions to common consumer needs to take the necessary safeguards. (2008-01-15, ASP, 94KB, 下载2次)
