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[ICQ/即时通讯] webmail_3.2.0

T-dah是一个PHP开发的开源的通用企业邮局系统。该系统采用POP3协议收邮件,可以配置使用SMTP、PHP mail、Sendmail或Qmail来发送邮件。T-dah还包含以下几个模块:事件日历、群组聊天、文件夹管理、邮件搜索等。T-dah使用TinyMCE WYSIWYG编辑器来创建新邮件。
T-dah is a generic open source PHP development Mail system. The system uses the POP3 protocol mail, can be configured to send mail using SMTP, PHP mail, Sendmail or Qmail. T-dah also contains the following modules: event calendar, group chat, folder management, e-mail search. T-dah use TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor to create a new message. (2016-05-09, ASP, 1539KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] umebiz

1.支持包括盛大,腾讯QQ,完美,九城,魔域等200多种游戏的在线直储(自动充值功能) 2.支持点卡自动进货功能,可以从有米埠系统其它商户直接进货,货源质量保障,价格竞争力强 3.支持页面html全站静态访问 4.支持财付通,支付宝,网银中国等多家网关 5.游戏点卡销售所需功能均支持
1. Support including Shanda, Tencent QQ, perfect, Ninetowns, Demon 200 kinds of online games direct-storage (automatic recharge) 2. Supports automatic card purchase feature, you can purchase directly the merchant rice and other port systems, supply quality assurance, cost-competitive 3. Support html page static site-wide access 4. Support TenPay, Alipay, China and a number of online banking gateways 5. The game card sales support functions are required (2016-04-24, ASP, 796KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] TcpUdp1

实现TCP流通信和UDP数据报通信服务端开启服务,根据IP地址和端口号获取网络端点,创建监听Scoket根据网络端点绑定服务器,保持监听状态,接受客户端的连接请求,为连接创建一个新的Scoket(clientScoket),服务端可以根据clientScoket获得该客户端发送的消息和发送消息给客户端。 2,客户端连接服务器,创建一个serverScoket根据客户端的网络端点与服务器建立连接,客户端可以获取服务端的消息也可以发送消息给服务端。
The TCP stream communication and UDP datagram communication server open service access to network endpoints, based on the IP address and port number, create listening Scoket bind server network endpoints, keep listening state to accept the client' s connection request connection to create a new Scoket (clientScoket), the server can clientScoket the client sends the message and send the message to the client. 2 client to connect to the server, to create a serverScoket according to the client' s network endpoint to establish a connection with the server, the client can get the service end of the message can also send messages to the service side. (2013-03-06, ASP, 118KB, 下载7次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] wangmeng.cn_af

一个聊天室的代码,ASP ,功能齐全,对刚学asp的朋友来说是一个很好的学习例子。
a chat room code, ASP, multifunctional asp just learning right friends is a good example of learning. (2006-07-26, ASP, 2KB, 下载8次)
